Empowering Learners And Leaders To Elevate Humanity’s Future
A team of highly dedicated researchers, leaders, and educators established IN4OBE in order to keep the flame of authentic Outcome Based Education burning throughout the world for a sixth decade. That visionary flame continues to empower every learner and leader within OBE’s reach to develop the skills and attributes that elevate humanity and its evolving future.
About Us
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The IN4OBE Implementation Institute
The World’s Definitive Source of Empowering Ideas, Information, Models, Expertise, and Assistance on the Essence of Outcome-Based Learning
We’re Launching 2023 with Two Special Initiatives:
Outcome-Based Education’s Empowering Evolution
Credential as an IN4OBE Scholar
Which Reflects Your Foundational Knowledge of OBE’s Defining Components, Strategic Vision, Empowering
Models, and Evolving Implementation as Portrayed in These 5 Key Stages of OBE’s EvolutionClearly Defining OBE’s Misunderstood Fundamentals
Bloom’s Pioneering Work Transforms the ‘Conditions of Success’
How Defining Outcomes Changes Everything
How Life-Performance Outcomes Evoke Future-Focused Learning
Learners’ Vast Potentials Now Drive OBE’s Evolution and Future
The International Network for Outcome-Based Education
We’re Expanding our Global Outreach with Three New Offerings!

The IN4OBE Implementation Institute
Delivers expert assistance to Governments, Agencies, and Institutions committed to sound OBE practice
Outcome-Based Education’s Empowering Evolution
A definitive 2023 Video Course
Dr. William Spady
The OBE Movement’s Founder, Visionary Leader
and Creative Catalyst for Five Decades
- Guides Your Pathway to Authentic OBE with A new, definitive three-part Video Course Outcome Based Education’s Empowering Essence.
- Its 21 Illuminating Modules are Ideal Resources for Professional Development, Program Design, and Career Advancement at All Levels of Education.
- Take Advantage of Dr. Spady’s Five Decades of Unique Wisdom, Vision, and Insights Learn the Strategies, Models, and Practices Shaping OBE and its Empowering Future.
The OBE Ambassador Credential
Conferred on those who complete Dr. Spady’s course and demonstrate Mastery of its 3 foundational Components:
- Discover the Heart and Power of OBE’s Paradigm
- How OBE’s Fundamentals Revolutionize Education
- Outcomes that Empower Learners and Elevate Life
Bonnie (Hannah) Dana
Bonnie Dana was named, "Ogichi Daa Kue," (Warrior Woman) by a cultural leader of the Ojibway Tribal Nation for her relentless efforts over four decades to implement positive change in education focused heavily on OBE. These efforts began with Individually Guided Education while Associate Director of the Wisconsin Indian Teacher Corps, evolved to Competency-Based Education as the Director of the Lakeland Curriculum Consortium, and culminated with OBE as Assistant Superintendent in the DeForest Public Schools. As a tireless instructor, Bonnie ‘walked the talk’ at the high school and college levels using OBE modules, varied learning style strategies and performance assessments, which resulted in phenomenal gains in student achievement and motivation, notably recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. From these successes Bonnie founded two OBE charter schools that became national models. One received the national Toshiba award in elementary school science; the other an employment-focused, individualized, performance-based secondary school that partnered with business, a Technical College and local school district. She co-authored a national publication, wrote numerous articles and handbooks, and presented nationally on leadership, all on OBE. Most significantly, she survived many serious attacks on herself and OBE by those resisting change in education. She retired to the lake country of Northern Wisconsin in 2001 to fight battles with Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and continue her writing. These quotes capture the essence of her formidable career: "Students do not fail; teachers do." "Anyone can teach, but it takes a special person to diagnose how students learn." "Until the day I die, I will be committed to OBE because I know it works."
Charles J. Schwahn
Charles (Chuck) Schwahn rode the crest of OBE’s future-focused Transformational wave for 25 years. When that wave broke, he created a next one to ride, and yet a next one, simply because vision, leadership, innovation, integrity and collaboration were the authentic essence of who he was and the indelible mark he made. From classroom teacher, to state champion basketball coach, to curriculum director in South Dakota, to district superintendent, and full-time consultant in Colorado, Chuck was a non-stop learner and role model for others. As Superintendent of the Eagle County Schools, he not only became a leading advocate for OBE in Colorado and nationally, he established a graduate degree-granting professional development program for staff within the district, enabling many to earn credits and advanced degrees while still employed. Dr. Schwahn’s collaboration with Dr. William Spady on a future-focused approach to developing ‘Exit Outcomes’ for high school graduates began in 1987, and their model, Strategic Design, permanently transformed the OBE movement’s focus and mission. SD was unique and ground-breaking in modern education and gained enormous interest throughout the US and Canada, giving communities a picture of what students would be facing in the future, and educators a template for preparing them for those challenges. Inspired by Dr. Schwahn’s deep interest in leadership and change, they wrote a highly praised book for the American Association of School Administrators in 1998 called Total Leaders, followed in 2010 by its sequel, Total Leaders 2.0. Chuck culminated his distinguished career in 2014 with yet another highly praised future-focused book, Inevitable. These special gifts culminated in her insightful and comprehensive approach to Self-Directed Learning and learner empowerment in which students developed and refined their self-assessment skills at every stage of investigating, formulating, designing, implementing, demonstrating, and evaluating both individual and team projects. This impressive model was embraced by teachers at all grade levels across the USA and Canada, and genuine Learner Empowerment became a reality for countless students thanks to Helen’s innovative, impactful contributions.
John B. Artis
It is extremely unlikely that the OBE movement will ever be graced again with contributions as deep, versatile, and significant as those of Dr. John Burl Artis. Name an area of interest, and he mastered it. Name a position, and he filled it. Name a challenge, and he accepted it. Name an education-related topic, and he wrote and lectured about it – for five decades – with unmatched dedication, ability, vision, authenticity, impact, and grace. Thoughtful and thorough beyond measure, John exemplified what learning, leading, writing, scholarship, mentoring, and friendship truly meant. Working with him was a blessing. John’s career began in 1968 as a high school social studies teacher, followed by two high school Principalships in the decade before becoming Principal of Grosse Pointe (Michigan) High School in 1989. There he accomplished what many OBE colleagues regarded as ‘Mission Impossible’: Transforming the instruction system and culture of this already elite, ultra-high-achieving school and raising its long-established reputation of excellence even more. He brought this about without fanfare through his exceptional professionalism, openness, patience and insight, setting a new standard for OBE implementation. From there John became a Consultant for the High Success Network; a Director of Curriculum in Illinois; a district administrator in Ohio; District Superintendent in Dearborn, Michigan; culminating with 15 years as Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan’s Dearborn campus, where he supervised doctoral students in a range of leadership and human development areas. Covid suddenly took him from us at the height of the 2021 epidemic. The outpouring of tributes to his character and contributions was deservedly vast and profound.
John R. Champlin
Few figures were more important to the genesis of OBE as a significant reform model than Dr. Champlin. As the Superintendent of the Johnson City Schools in New York State, he quickly saw the enormous potential and implications of Benjamin Bloom’s “Learning for Mastery” instructional model, and he expanded it into a comprehensive system-focused learning improvement design that he named the “Outcomes-Driven Developmental Model” (ODDM). ‘Jack’, as he was widely known, showed how ODDM could be applied to everything in education, from national reform policies to classroom instructional practices. Notably, he was the first to make the distinction between Learning (curriculum-based) Outcomes and Learner (character and competence) Outcomes – a key distinction in understanding and implementing what’s now called ‘Transformational’ OBE. The OBE movement’s early visibility and credibility were due in large part to Jack’s tireless commitment to advancing the concept, and to the demonstrated learning improvements that JCS documented over a several-year period in the 1970s and 80s. Significantly, he was the key figure in establishing the Network for Outcome Based Schools in 1980. The Network became the key vehicle for spreading OBE in the USA and Canada for the next decade through many annual national and regional conferences and workshops, and its membership grew to over 3,000 by 1990. Dr. Champlin finished his career as a Professor of Educational Leadership at Texas Tech University, continually reminding his graduate students of his personally validated motto: “You’re never done learning and improving!”
Bonnie (Hannah) Dana
Bonnie Dana was named, "Ogichi Daa Kue," (Warrior Woman) by a cultural leader of the Ojibway Tribal Nation for her relentless efforts over four decades to implement positive change in education focused heavily on OBE. These efforts began with Individually Guided Education while Associate Director of the Wisconsin Indian Teacher Corps, evolved to Competency-Based Education as the Director of the Lakeland Curriculum Consortium, and culminated with OBE as Assistant Superintendent in the DeForest Public Schools. As a tireless instructor, Bonnie ‘walked the talk’ at the high school and college levels using OBE modules, varied learning style strategies and performance assessments, which resulted in phenomenal gains in student achievement and motivation, notably recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. From these successes Bonnie founded two OBE charter schools that became national models. One received the national Toshiba award in elementary school science; the other an employment-focused, individualized, performance-based secondary school that partnered with business, a Technical College and local school district. She co-authored a national publication, wrote numerous articles and handbooks, and presented nationally on leadership, all on OBE. Most significantly, she survived many serious attacks on herself and OBE by those resisting change in education. She retired to the lake country of Northern Wisconsin in 2001 to fight battles with Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and continue her writing. These quotes capture the essence of her formidable career: "Students do not fail; teachers do." "Anyone can teach, but it takes a special person to diagnose how students learn." "Until the day I die, I will be committed to OBE because I know it works."
John B. Artis
It is extremely unlikely that the OBE movement will ever be graced again with contributions as deep, versatile, and significant as those of Dr. John Burl Artis. Name an area of interest, and he mastered it. Name a position, and he filled it. Name a challenge, and he accepted it. Name an education-related topic, and he wrote and lectured about it – for five decades – with unmatched dedication, ability, vision, authenticity, impact, and grace. Thoughtful and thorough beyond measure, John exemplified what learning, leading, writing, scholarship, mentoring, and friendship truly meant. Working with him was a blessing. John’s career began in 1968 as a high school social studies teacher, followed by two high school Principalships in the decade before becoming Principal of Grosse Pointe (Michigan) High School in 1989. There he accomplished what many OBE colleagues regarded as ‘Mission Impossible’: Transforming the instruction system and culture of this already elite, ultra-high-achieving school and raising its long-established reputation of excellence even more. He brought this about without fanfare through his exceptional professionalism, openness, patience and insight, setting a new standard for OBE implementation. From there John became a Consultant for the High Success Network; a Director of Curriculum in Illinois; a district administrator in Ohio; District Superintendent in Dearborn, Michigan; culminating with 15 years as Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan’s Dearborn campus, where he supervised doctoral students in a range of leadership and human development areas. Covid suddenly took him from us at the height of the 2021 epidemic. The outpouring of tributes to his character and contributions was deservedly vast and profound.
Alan D. Rowe
The term “Outcome Based Education” emerged prominently in North America in 1980 with the founding of the Network for Outcome Based Schools and the major support of the American Association of School Administrators. Many of the notable concepts, principles, strategies and models that form today’s cutting-edge OBE practices were developed and implemented by creative, committed women and men whose names and major contributions have been lost to time. IN4OBE offers a tribute here to their pioneering endeavors and steadfast dedication to improving the learning and lives of all students for generations to come. Please take the time to honor them as is appropriate for you.
Spencer T. Rogers
No one contributed more to the Transformational phase of OBE’s development and the crafting of breakthrough instructional and assessment techniques than Spence Rogers. Beginning in the late 1980s, in both his understated manner and with less on-stage recognition than OBE’s other early champions, Spence took the wisdom gained by transforming his own practice as a high school mathematics teacher in Glendale, Arizona to countless thousands of teachers across North America. His focus: How instructional practices could be revised dramatically to elevate the aspirations, self-concepts, and learning success of ALL K-12 students. His insights into the techniques and processes that fully engage learners and make deep learning happen were unparalleled in the OBE movement, and his uniquely impactful instructional guidelines and handbooks were reprinted again and again. More than anything, Spence changed the face and relevance of OBE itself with multiple significant contributions. He was the catalyst in a small team that, in 1986, definitively established the meaning of “Outcomes.” That definition and its key implications, which Spence was also the first person to articulate, put OBE on a revolutionary pathway that transcended deeply entrenched teaching and grading conventions. He then used those implications to help form the now-famous “Demonstration Mountain,” which included Life-Performance Roles at its peak. That construct, in turn, added further credibility and potency to OBE’s future-focused Transformational work throughout the world, and it gave compelling meaning to the term “Exit Outcomes.” Clearly, many millions of students across the world have benefitted from Spence’s work without ever meeting this humble hero in person.
Tributes to OBE’s Pioneering Champions
The term “Outcome Based Education” emerged prominently in North America in 1980 with the founding of the Network for Outcome Based Schools and the major support of the American Association of School Administrators. Many of the notable concepts, principles, strategies and models that form today’s cutting-edge OBE practices were developed and implemented by creative, committed women and men whose names and major contributions have been lost to time.
IN4OBE offers a tribute here to their pioneering endeavors and steadfast dedication to improving the learning and lives of all students for generations to come. Please take the time to honor them as is appropriate for you.

IN4OBE GLOBAL Virtual summit 2022

IN4OBE Global Virtual Summit 2022 Commercial
Climbing the Evolutionary Mountain of Outcome-Based Education Transformation

IN4OBE Activities
We’re the International Network for Outcome Based Education, a committed team of visionary educational leaders and consultants bringing the transformational promise, mission, and practices of authentic Outcome Based Education to schools and universities across the world.