Empowering Learners And Leaders To Elevate Humanity’s Future
A team of highly dedicated researchers, leaders, and educators established IN4OBE in order to keep the flame of authentic Outcome Based Education burning throughout the world for a sixth decade. That visionary flame continues to empower every learner and leader within OBE’s reach to develop the skills and attributes that elevate humanity and its evolving future.
About Us
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The IN4OBE Implementation Institute
The World’s Definitive Source of Empowering Ideas, Information, Models, Expertise, and Assistance on the Essence of Outcome-Based Learning
We’re Launching 2023 with Two Special Initiatives:
Outcome-Based Education’s Empowering Evolution
Credential as an IN4OBE Scholar
Which Reflects Your Foundational Knowledge of OBE’s Defining Components, Strategic Vision, Empowering
Models, and Evolving Implementation as Portrayed in These 5 Key Stages of OBE’s EvolutionClearly Defining OBE’s Misunderstood Fundamentals
Bloom’s Pioneering Work Transforms the ‘Conditions of Success’
How Defining Outcomes Changes Everything
How Life-Performance Outcomes Evoke Future-Focused Learning
Learners’ Vast Potentials Now Drive OBE’s Evolution and Future
The International Network for Outcome-Based Education
We’re Expanding our Global Outreach with Three New Offerings!
The IN4OBE Implementation Institute
Delivers expert assistance to Governments, Agencies, and Institutions committed to sound OBE practice
Outcome-Based Education’s Empowering Evolution
A definitive 2023 Video Course
Dr. William Spady
The OBE Movement’s Founder, Visionary Leader
and Creative Catalyst for Five Decades
- Guides Your Pathway to Authentic OBE with A new, definitive three-part Video Course Outcome Based Education’s Empowering Essence.
- Its 21 Illuminating Modules are Ideal Resources for Professional Development, Program Design, and Career Advancement at All Levels of Education.
- Take Advantage of Dr. Spady’s Five Decades of Unique Wisdom, Vision, and Insights Learn the Strategies, Models, and Practices Shaping OBE and its Empowering Future.
The OBE Ambassador Credential
Conferred on those who complete Dr. Spady’s course and demonstrate Mastery of its 3 foundational Components:
- Discover the Heart and Power of OBE’s Paradigm
- How OBE’s Fundamentals Revolutionize Education
- Outcomes that Empower Learners and Elevate Life
Tributes to OBE’s Pioneering Champions
The term “Outcome Based Education” emerged prominently in North America in 1980 with the founding of the Network for Outcome Based Schools and the major support of the American Association of School Administrators. Many of the notable concepts, principles, strategies and models that form today’s cutting-edge OBE practices were developed and implemented by creative, committed women and men whose names and major contributions have been lost to time.
IN4OBE offers a tribute here to their pioneering endeavors and steadfast dedication to improving the learning and lives of all students for generations to come. Please take the time to honor them as is appropriate for you.
IN4OBE GLOBAL Virtual summit 2022
IN4OBE Global Virtual Summit 2022 Commercial
Climbing the Evolutionary Mountain of Outcome-Based Education Transformation
IN4OBE Activities
We’re the International Network for Outcome Based Education, a committed team of visionary educational leaders and consultants bringing the transformational promise, mission, and practices of authentic Outcome Based Education to schools and universities across the world.