Author Submission Guidelines

Welcome To Global OBE Virtual Summit 2022

Paper Submission & Review Timeline

June 10TH, 2022

Abstract & Draft Submission

July 10TH, 2022

First Review Response

September 1ST, 2022

Final Paper Sent for Publication

Once Your Final Draft is Accepted.
Please Pay The 80$ Publication Fee

Author Responsibilities

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  1. Read this kit and follow all of the instructions (this is extremely important)
  2. Submit their abstract as a TEXT ONLY and their draft as a PDF ONLY
  3. Acknowledge the Plagiarism Policy
  4. Check that all information; from the paper title to the spelling of co-authors’ name/s, is correct
  5. Indicate who is presenting the paper
  6. Complete the registration online
  7. Accept the copyright transfer
  8. Contact IN4OBE Conferences Staff at with any questions or problems
Be advised, your paper will not be published if you:
  • Fail to submit a final copy of the paper before the deadline
  • Fail to register for the conference by the deadline
  • Fail to assign the paper’s copyright to IN4OBE so it can be published
  • At least one author needs to be registered in order to publish paper, however any authors or coauthor who wish to participate in the conference must be registered.

Other authors have had papers published with unfortunate mistakes. Please don’t let these happen to you:
  • Failure to add co-authors and check the spelling of their names before marking your paper as finalized
  • Failure to proofread your biography before submitting the final paper
  • Failure to check the uploaded version of the final paper for formatting and other errors
  • IN4OBE has the right to withdraw papers from the 2022 Summit proceedings if publication fees are not paid.
  • All publication fee for authors is final & cannot be refunded after the registration deadline.
  • Peer review occurs for both abstracts and papers. Abstract acceptance does not guarantee acceptance of the paper. All divisions have a Publish-to-Present requirement and final papers must be written and accepted in order for the work to be presented at the 2022 IN4OBE Summit.
  • In addition, the Track Editor has the sole discretion to assign the accepted paper to a technical session (for oral presentation) or a poster session.
  • Submission of abstracts and final papers will be via the IN4OBE submission system and in accordance with IN4OBE published deadlines.
  • You will be required to acknowledge and accept the plagiarism policy before you can submit your abstract.
  • You will also be required to accept the transfer of copyright before your work can be published.
  • Consent to plagiarism policy & transfer of copyright are to be provided by all authors in the copyright agreement form submitted along with the final draft for publication
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Paper Procedures

If you have any questions regarding your paper reviews, revisions, accept/reject decision or paper assignments to timeslots; you must contact  directly.

For a paper to be presented at the Summit or included in the Proceedings of Transforming Education for Empowering Learners, it must pass through the entire review process and be accepted as shown below.

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  • Author submits abstract & draft
  • Track Editor assigns reviewers
  • Two (2) reviews are required for the abstract & draft paper
  • Reviewers read, rank, and comment on the paper
  • Track Editor receives reviewers requested revisions, consolidates revisions and sends them to Author if applicable
  • Track Editor accepts/rejects papers and revised papers
  • Author pays publication fee
  • Author submits final paper in both PDF & Word formats
  • Copyright agreement with consent to IN4OBE plagiarism policy has to be submitted by all authors
  • The presenting author is indicated in the copyright agreement form
  • All blind indicators removed
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Logging into the System

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  • Reviewers are assigned as soon as abstracts are submitted. You will NOT be able to make any edits to abstracts once it’s submitted. Therefore, please only submit the abstract text when it is ready to be reviewed.
  • Once reviews are in progress, the abstract’s status changes to “Waiting”.
  • If you need to revise your abstract and draft after it’s assigned to a reviewer, you must contact your for assistance. It is at your track editor’s discretion whether they will update the abstract for you or not.
  • Your submission page allows you to read comments from reviews as forwarded by the Track Editor.
  • When the draft version is completed, Choose file (as a PDF only) and Upload draft to submit it. Make sure that the PDF file you upload doesn’t include your name or initials.
  • You can upload your draft paper as often as needed until the Track Editor assigns the draft paper to be reviewed.
  • Again, the paper’s status changes to Waiting until the reviews are complete and the Track Editor has made his or her decision.
  • Edits cannot be made during the “waiting” stage.

If the paper is accepted as is, its status changes to upload final.

  • As with abstracts, you can view comments from the reviewers on the submission’s page.
  • If the paper is accepted with revisions, its status changes to Revise.
  • When the requested revisions are ready, select the PDF file and Upload.
  • When requested revisions for the paper are uploaded, its status changes to Waiting until it is accepted or rejected by the Track Editor.
  • If you have been requested to make revisions, the system automatically assigns the revision to a reviewer as soon as it is uploaded. Therefore, you will only be able to upload ONE VERSION of a revision, so please be sure it is the correct one.
  • If you need to upload a different version of the revision, you must contact your Track Editor for assistance. It is at your Track Editors’ discretion whether they agree to upload a new version for you or not.

Once the final paper is accepted by the editor, you will need to complete the following by May 22, 2022.

  • One author must register and pay for the publication.
  • Your paper will be withdrawn if at least one author is not registered by the May 22nd, 2022.
  • The presenting author must be a registered participant in order to present their paper at the annual conference.

By May 15, 2022 you will need to finalize your paper by completing the following requirements:

  • Upload the final version of your paper with the blind components reinstated, such as name, institution, etc.
  • Accept the Copyright.
  • Make sure all co-authors have been invited to a paper, accepted the invitation, and have completed their information.
    • Add paper co-author(s)
    • Check for correct spelling of co-authors names.
  • Submit final version of all author bio/s.
  • Review paper prior to final submission for formatting errors or concerns.

Abstract and Draft Paper Format Guidlines

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  • Header – The header must be centered on the page. The font must be Times New Roman typeface, bold faced, with a 10 point font size. The header must include IN4OBE Global Virtual Summit followed by the Summit Year. If the template is used to create the paper, the header will be automatically included.
  • Footer – The footer must be centered on the page. The font must be Times New Roman typeface, bold faced, with a 10 point font size. The footer must include © IN4OBE followed by a comma and the Summit Year as shown in this template. If the template is used to create the paper, the footer will be automatically included.
  1. Title of Paper – The title of the paper must be centered on the page with a one and one-half inch margin on the left and right. The top margin should be one inch. A Times New Roman typeface is required, bold faced, 14 point. For the paragraph settings, use single line spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.
  2. Author and Affiliation: Submissions are done in a double blind. No author or affiliation information is to be included on any abstracts or draft papers.
  1. First Page – The paper must have a one-column format with left justification. The left, right, and bottom margins must be one inch. A Times Roman typeface is required with a 12 point font size. For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.
  2. Second and All Subsequent Pages – The left, right, top, and bottom margins must be one inch. A Times Roman typeface is required with a 12 point font size. For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.
  3. Headings – For the headings, use a Times Roman typeface, boldfaced, and a 12 point font size. Use lowercase lettering, capitalizing the first letter in the heading and the first letter of principal words. Headings must be left-justified. For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after.
  4. Abstract and Keywords – The Abstract and Keywords sections should have headings labeled “Abstract” and “Keywords” as illustrated in the template above. Formatting for the section headings is the same as described for Headings. Additional instructions for the Abstract and Keywords sections are provided in the template provided.
  5. Page Numbering – Do not number the pages.
  6. Paper Length – Each paper can be a maximum of six(6) pages long excluding the references.
  1. References Section Heading – The References section heading should be labeled “References” as illustrated in the template above. Formatting is the same as described above for Headings. At least one additional space may need to be added following the last paragraph of the body of the paper to place the References section heading approximately four lines below the body of the paper.
  2. Each reference should be listed in numerical order below the References section heading. For the listing of references, a Times Roman typeface is required with a 10 point font size. For the paragraph settings, use single line spacing and a hanging indentation of 0.5 inches. Please use IEEE style as indicated in the template
  • Biographical information should be located below the References section. There should be a blank line between the last reference provided and the biographical information section. Additional information on the biographical information is provided in the template above.
  • Author Name Headings – Formatting for the author name headings should be the same as described above for headings.
  • Biographical Information for each Author – Times Roman typeface with a 12 point font size should be used for paragraphs containing biographical information. For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.

Final Paper Format Guidelines

Formatting may be facilitated by modifying the above template to contain your paper. Beware of "cut and paste" that will bring different formatting to your paper. Hint: Do a Paste Special…. and change to Unformatted Text.

Final draft should be submitted in PDF & Word format along with copyright transfer and plagiarism policy agreement form duly signed by all authors.

If you are not using the template, here are the detailed specifications for your final paper:

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  • Header – The header must be centered on the page. The font must be Times New Roman typeface, bold faced, with a 10 point font size. The header must include IN4OBE Global Virtual Summit followed by the Summit Year as shown in this template. If the template is used to create the paper, the header will be automatically included.
  • Footer – The footer must be centered on the page. The font must be Times New Roman typeface, bold faced, with a 10 point font size. The footer must include © IN4OBE followed by a comma and the Summit Year as shown in this template. If the template is used to create the paper, the footer will be automatically included.
  • Title of Paper – The title of the paper must be centered on the page with a one and one-half inch margin on the left and right. The top margin should be one inch. A Times New Roman typeface is required, bold faced, 14 point. For the paragraph settings, use single line spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.
  • Authors – Author names must be centered on the page with a one and one-half margin on the left and right. A Times New Roman typeface is required, boldfaced, 12 point. Use single spacing and a spacing of 0 points after.
  • Author affiliation – Author affiliations must be centered on the page with a one and one-half margin on the left and right. A Times New Roman typeface is required, italics, 10 point. Use single spacing and a spacing of 36 points after the paragraph.
  • First Page – The paper must have a one-column format with a left justification. The left, right, and bottom margins must be one inch. A Times Roman typeface is required with a 12 point font size. For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.
  • Second and All Subsequent Pages – The left, right, top, and bottom margins must be one inch. A Times Roman typeface is required with a 12 point font size. For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.
  • Headings – Use a Times Roman typeface, boldfaced, and a 12 point font size for the headings. Use lowercase lettering, capitalizing the first letter in the heading and the first letter of principal words. Headings must be lleft-justified For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after.
  • Abstract and Keywords – The Abstract and Keywords sections should have headings labeled “Abstract” and “Keywords” as illustrated in the template above. Formatting for the section headings is the same as described for Headings. Additional instructions for the Abstract and Keywords sections are provided in the template above.
  • Page Numbering – Do not number the pages.
  • Paper Length – Each paper can be a maximum of six (6) pages long.
  • References Section Heading – The References section heading should be labeled “References” as illustrated in the template above. Formatting is the same as described above for Headings. At least one additional space may need to be added following the last paragraph of the body of the paper to place the References section heading approximately four lines below the body of the paper.
  • Each reference should be listed in numerical order below the References section heading. For the listing of references, a Times Roman typeface is required with a 10 point font size. For the paragraph settings, use single line spacing and a hanging indentation of 0.5 inches. Additional information on citing sources is provided in the template above.
  • Biographical information should be located below the References section. There should be a blank line between the last reference provided and the biographical information section. Additional information on the biographical information is provided in the template above.
  • Author Name Headings – Formatting for the author name headings should be the same as described above for headings.
  • Biographical Information for each Author – Times Roman typeface with a 12 point font size should be used for paragraphs containing biographical information. For the paragraph settings, use single spacing and a spacing of 12 points after the paragraph.
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What is IEEE Style?

The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional organization supporting many branches of engineering, computer science, and information technology. In addition to publishing journals, magazines, and summit proceedings, IEEE also makes many standards for a wide variety of industries.

IEEE citation style includes in-text citations, numbered in square brackets, which refer to the full citation listed in the reference list at the end of the paper. The reference list is organized numerically, not alphabetically. For examples, see the IEEE Editorial Style Manual.

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In-text Citing It is not necessary to mention an author’s name, pages used, or date of publication in the in-text citation. Instead, refer to the source with a number in a square bracket, e.g. [1], that will then correspond to the full citation in your reference list.

  • Place bracketed citations within the line of text, before any punctuation, with a space before the first bracket.
  • Number your sources as you cite them in the paper. Once you have referred to a source and given it a number, continue to use that number as you cite that source throughout the paper.
  • When citing multiple sources at once, the preferred method is to list each number separately, in its own brackets, using a comma or dash between numbers, as such: [1], [3], [5] or [1] – [5].

The below examples are from Murdoch University’s IEEE Style LibGuide.

Examples of in-text citations:

  • “…end of the line for my research [13].”
  • “This theory was first put forward in 1987 [1].”
  • “Scholtz [2] has argued that…”
  • “Several recent studies [3], [4], [15], [16] have suggested that….”
  • “For example, see [7].”

The Reference List appears at the end of your paper and provides the full citations for all the references you have used. List all references numerically in the order they’ve been cited within the paper, and include the bracketed number at the beginning of each reference.

  • Title your list as References either centered or aligned left at the top of the page.
  • Create a hanging indent for each reference with the bracketed numbers flush with the left side of the page. The hanging indent highlights the numerical sequence of your references.
  • The author’s name is listed as first initial, last name. Example: Adel Al Muhairy would be cited as A. Al Muhairy (NOT Al Muhairy, Adel).
  • The title of an article is listed in quotation marks.
  • The title of a journal or book is listed in italics.

The below examples are from the IEEE Citation Reference Guide and Murdoch University’s IEEE Style LibGuide.

Material Type Works Cited

Book in print

[1] B. Klaus and P. Horn, Robot Vision. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.

Chapter in book

[2] L. Stein, “Random patterns,” in Computers and You, J. S. Brake, Ed. New York: Wiley, 1994, pp. 55-70.


[3] L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003. [E-book] Available: Safari e-book.

Journal article

[4] J. U. Duncombe, “Infrared navigation – Part I: An assessment of feasability,” IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices, vol. ED-11, pp. 34-39, Jan. 1959.

eJournal (from database)

[5] H. K. Edwards and V. Sridhar, “Analysis of software requirements engineering exercises in a global virtual team setup,” Journal of Global Information
Management, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 21+, April-June 2005. [Online]. Available: Academic OneFile, [Accessed May 31, 2005].

eJournal (from internet)

[6] A. Altun, “Understanding hypertext in the context of reading on the web: Language learners’ experience,” Current Issues in Education, vol. 6, no. 12, July 2003. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Dec. 2, 2004].

Summit paper

[7] L. Liu and H. Miao, “A specification based approach to testing polymorphic attributes,” in Formal Methods and Software Engineering: Proceedings of the 6th International Summit on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2004, Seattle, WA, USA, November 8-12, 2004, J. Davies, W. Schulte, M. Barnett, Eds. Berlin: Springer, 2004. pp. 306-19.

Summit proceedings

[8] T. J. van Weert and R. K. Munro, Eds., Informatics and the Digital Society: Social, ethical and cognitive issues: IFIP TC3/WG3.1&3.2 Open Summit on Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT, July 22-26, 2002, Dortmund, Germany. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2003.

Newspaper article (from database)

[9] J. Riley, “Call for new look at skilled migrants,” The Australian, p. 35, May 31,2005. [Online]. Available: Factiva, [Accessed May 31, 2005].

Technical report

[10] J. H. Davis and J. R. Cogdell, “Calibration program for the 16-foot antenna,” Elect. Eng. Res. Lab., Univ. Texas, Austin, Tech. Memo. NGL-006-69-3, Nov. 15, 1987.


[11] J. P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices,” U.S. Patent 3 624 125, July 16, 1990.


[12] IEEE Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems, IEEE Standard 308, 1969.


[1] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.

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IN4OBE Official Plagiarism Policy

Policy on Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication

December 2021

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The IN4OBE offers professional summits, networking opportunities, and research support in the various fields of outcomes-based education research and technologies. IN4OBE subscribes to the highest standards of ethical conduct, as detailed in the IN4OBE website.

In the scholarly publication, plagiarism occurs when an author copies the words, illustrations, and ideas without identifying the sources. Plagiarism is unethical because it represents the theft of the intellectual work of others and the subsequent misrepresentation of that work as the author’s own. An act of plagiarism not only violates intellectual property rights but is anathema to the principle of academic integrity, which is fundamental for scholarly research, writing, and publication. Accidental publication of plagiarized material can undermine the quality of a journal or proceedings.

When authors copy not from others but themselves by publishing the same article in multiple journals, the practice is called redundant or duplicate publication. Compared with plagiarism, the duplicate publication is generally considered less severe, but it is still unethical. (The only exception is when reprinting has been appropriately approved and permission obtained from the original copyright holder; e.g., a keynote speech that has also been published.) Duplicate publication of the same article wastes space in journals and reviewers’ time. Duplicate publication misrepresents the author’s record of scholarly contributions, and it corrupts meta-analyses of multiple studies on the same subject.

This policy outlines the steps that IN4OBE will take in response to allegations of plagiarism and duplicate publication involving articles published in or submitted to IN4OBE summit proceedings.

  • The original paper is the paper or source from which the words and ideas were copied. The second paper is the paper in which the copied text later appears. This policy applies both when the second paper is a submitted manuscript and when the second paper has appeared in print.
  • In this policy, the author is the author of the second paper. The policy applies with equal force to all coauthors of the second paper.
  • Plagiarism occurs when the second paper copies a significant amount of text from the original paper without proper citation of the source (e.g., beyond “fair use” in copyright law). For this policy, plagiarism requires that the copying be verbatim or nearly verbatim (with minor insignificant changes) without citing the source. Whereas other definitions of plagiarism include close paraphrasing from an unattributed source, the strict definition in this policy enables editors to focus on the most straightforward cases without expending effort to evaluate whether an instance of paraphrasing constitutes plagiarism. Note that citations are not required for ideas that are well known within the field of the paper.
  • Duplicate publication occurs when at least one author is in common between the original and second papers.
  • For this policy, to qualify as a case of duplicate publication, the original paper must be an article in a peer-reviewed journal or peer-reviewed summit proceedings. When the original paper is on an unreviewed website or in unreviewed summit proceedings, the submission or publication of the second paper is not considered duplicate publication; however, the author must notify the journal editor at the time of submission as to where and when the paper was originally published. When the author republishes an original IN4OBE summit paper in a journal, the author or the journal first must secure a copyright release from IN4OBE, and the second paper must identify the source.
  • The Editor-in-Chief of an IN4OBE publication is the editor who has ultimate responsibility for that publication.
  • The initiator must make an allegation of plagiarism or duplicate publication—who might be either a reviewer or reader—in writing. The allegation must include all relevant evidence, such as the sources, and must be addressed to the Track Editor of the appropriate IN4OBE publication.
  • Within 14 calendar days, the Track Editor will review the allegation. Suppose the Track Editor concurs that the allegation represents a potential instance of plagiarism or serious duplicate publication. In that case, the Track Editor will refer the allegation to an ad hoc investigation committee. If the Track Editor of IN4OBE agrees that the allegation represents the duplicate publication of substantially less than 50% of the original or second paper, the Track editor will request a correction from the author; if the author does not respond in writing within 30 calendar days, this process will continue as per the given deadlines.
  • The ad hoc investigation committee will be appointed by the Track Editor of IN4OBE. That committee will include an associate editor from an IN4OBE publication who is not involved with the allegation and two other appropriate members whose expertise consists of the subject matter of the papers named in the allegation.
  • The investigation committee will evaluate the written evidence and report its findings to the Editor-in-Chief within 30 days. The report will recommend an appropriate sanction if the committee finds clear and convincing evidence that plagiarism or duplicate publication has occurred (see below).
  • If the allegation is not dismissed, the Track Editor will immediately forward the investigation committee’s report to each author of the second paper, inviting each to respond in writing within 30 days. The Track Editor may ask each author to describe the various roles of each coauthor concerning the incident.
  • Within 14 days of receiving all of the authors’ responses, or after the 30 day response period has elapsed, the Track Editor will decide to either accept the recommended sanction or modify it as appropriate. The Track Editor will deliver the decision to the author, coauthors, and the investigation committee in writing.
  • If the second paper has multiple authors, the Track Editor may choose different sanctions for different authors, depending on their roles in preparing the second paper.
  • For each author at an academic institution, the Track Editor will send copies of the evidence, the investigation committee’s report, and the sanction notification to the research integrity officer (RIO) of the author’s institution. If the institution has no RIO, the Track Editor will notify the institution’s academic vice president or equivalent administrator.
  • The author may appeal the decision of the Track Editor to the Editor-in-Chief of IN4OBE, in writing, within 30 days. Upon reviewing the evidence, the Editor-in-Chief may reduce the severity of the sanction but may not increase the sanction. The Editor-in-Chief will then convey the decision on the appeal to the author and the institution’s RIO. The Editor-in-Chief’s decision is final.
  • Extensive cases. A plagiarism case is considered extensive if more than 50% of the original paper is plagiarized or more than 50% of the second paper represents plagiarized material. In this case, all of the author’s manuscripts currently under review by the IN4OBE Summit will be immediately rejected. In addition, the author will be prohibited from publication in IN4OBE publications for three to five years. If the second paper appeared in an IN4OBE summit, a notice of plagiarism would be printed where appropriate.
  • Serious cases. A plagiarism case is considered serious if a substantial amount of either the original paper or the second paper is plagiarized. A duplicate publication case is serious if more than 50% of the original or second paper represents duplicated material. In this case, all of the author’s manuscripts currently under review by the IN4OBE Summit will be immediately rejected. In addition, the author will be prohibited from publication in IN4OBE publications for one to three years. If the second paper appeared in an IN4OBE Summit, a notice of plagiarism or duplicate publication would be printed where appropriate.
  • Significant cases. A case of plagiarism is considered significant if 300 or more consecutive words are copied verbatim or nearly verbatim. A duplicate publication case is significant if a substantial amount of the original or second paper represents duplicated material. In this case, the author’s manuscripts currently under review by the IN4OBE summit may be rejected. In addition, the author may be prohibited from publication in IN4OBE publications for at most one year.
  • Confidentiality. The Track Editor and others involved in carrying out this policy will maintain the confidentiality of the identities of the initiator and the author and the confidentiality of all correspondence regarding the case and its disposition.
  • Conflict of interest. All editors who conflict with the author or the author’s institution will recuse themselves from this process.
  • Diversity. The Track Editor and others who carry out this policy will respect cultural differences in citation practices by different scholarly communities and academic disciplines.
  • Non-retaliation. If the initiator has brought the allegation in good faith, then there should be no retaliation against the initiator.
  • Records. After a finding of plagiarism or duplicate publication, if the second paper has appeared in IN4OBE summit proceedings, then the electronic version of the paper will be permanently marked as plagiarized or duplicated, and a reference to the source will be included.
  • Modifications. Minor modifications in this policy may be made at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief of IN4OBE. For example, the Editor-in-Chief may extend a period for good reasons or appoint a substitute for the Track Editor in a case of conflict of interest.
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IN4OBE requires authors to transfer their copyright to IN4OBE at manuscript submission, thereby giving IN4OBE the ability to:

(a) Protect the published content against various forms of misuse and abuse

(b) Safeguard the authors' interests

However, for many authors, their institutions and funding agencies today want to make their research results more readily available to all readers. In recognizing these interests, IN4OBE is committed to helping authors gain the broadest exposure for their research by offering fully open access journals using the Creative Commons Attribution, NonCommercial, No Derivatives (CCBY-NC-ND).

Authors are required to submit a signed copyright transfer agreement with IN4OBE after acceptance of their paper and paying the publication fees.

Copyright Agreement Form
For more information, see

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Creative Commons License