Collaborative Colleagues
Ronald Carriveau
Dr. Carriveau earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Arizona. He is an educational consultant.
Throughout his career he has been a practitioner and advocate for outcome based education and has extensive experience with outcome development, test and survey development, assessment, measurement, and the science of learning. His last positions were outcomes and assessment specialist for the University of North Texas center for learning experimentation, application and research, and assistant director for the University’s Quality Enhancement Plan for accreditation. Dr. Carriveau previously taught in the public-school system, was the director of assessment and evaluation for a large Arizona school district, an associate professor at Northern Arizona University, deputy associate superintendent and state test director at the Arizona state department of education, and test development manager for Harcourt Assessment. He has consulted nationally and internationally, presented at national and international conferences, and given keynote talks. He is a co-author, author, and chapter contributor. The second edition of his book, Connecting The Dots: Developing Student Learning Outcomes and Outcomes-Based Assessments was released in October 2016 by Stylus Publications.
Educational psychology courses taught
• Introduction to Research
• Introduction to Statistics
• Intermediate Statistics
• Tests and Measurement
• Measurement in Education
• Research and Evaluation Methods
• Assessment and Evaluation in Education
• Research Design and Analysis
Reading courses taught
• Corrective and Remedial Reading
• Directed Experiences in Reading – Practicum/Clinic
• Reading Decoding
• Teaching Reading Skills in the Secondary School
• Reading Methods for the Elementary Teacher
• Teaching Reading in the Elementary School
• Remediating Reading and Learning Disabilities
• Reading Decoding and Practicum
• Teaching Reading in the Secondary School and Community College
• Reading in the Content Areas
• Taught public school grades 3-8 for fourteen years, including special education and special reading. Developed two reading tests and a computerized vocabulary test for Cartwright School District, Phoenix, Arizona.
• Worked for five years as the Director of Assessment and Evaluation for Washington School District, a large metropolitan district in Phoenix, Arizona. Developed curricula and a multi-level mathematics assessment to match the Arizona State mathematics standards.
• Owned a small testing company and worked with several districts in Arizona to develop and administer district tests.
• Consulted for the Hopi and Navajo Indian reservations in Arizona on their outcomes assessment program.
• Worked on the Ohio State Academic Standards as a measurement consultant.
• Worked on the Texas State Test for public schools as a measurement consultant.
• One year assessment consulting work for the Behavioral Research group at the University of Oregon. Developed over 2000 test items.
• A member for five years of the Arizona Technical Advisory Committee for the development of the Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS).
• Consulted on a regular basis for the Arizona Department of Adult Education and the Early Childhood Literacy Division in the area of outcomes, assessment, and measurement.
• As a program specialist at the Arizona Department of Education Division of Standards and Accountability, trained teachers and administrators across the state in the implementation of the Arizona academic standards. Conducted workshops on grading and reporting in a standards-based system, data driven decision-making, and Arizona’s writing rubric.
• As the Arizona state test director, implemented a program in which Arizona teachers helped develop all of the items for the state’s standards-based assessments, made final content and bias review decisions, conducted the final review of new items and field test items, and served on various special committees such as alignment of test forms to standards.
• As the Deputy Associate Superintendent for Standards and Assessment and State Test Director at the Arizona Department of Education, had the responsibility to develop, review, and update the state’s academic standards, develop the state’s standards-based achievement test (AIMS), and administer the state’s testing programs.
• Chaired Arizona’s National Assessment and Accountability Advisory Committee (NAAAC) and the State Assessment and Accountability Advisory Committee (SAAAC). Responsibilities included working on the state’s NCLB Work Plan.
• Consultant for test item development for the national medical board exam of Denmark. Hired to train faculty of medical school on writing selected response items and conversion of their written response items to selected response item sets to meet new government requirements. Demark had never previously used selected response items for the national boards.
• Selected as a finalist to serve on the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB), which sets policy for the NAEP, but had to withdraw when accepted a position at Harcourt Assessment.
• As a test development manager at Harcourt, Inc. worked with states with contracts of thirty million dollars and more. Managed schedules for twenty professional workers in several different departments.
• Carriveau, R.S. (2016). Connecting the dots: Developing student learning outcomes and outcome-based assessments. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publications. [Chapters include creating measurable outcomes, making assessment plans, linking outcomes to assessments, developing high-quality rubrics, measuring critical thinking, calculating outcome attainment, reporting outcome attainment, and making instructional decisions].
• Carriveau, R.S. web site. Online outcome and assessment development tools to accompany Connecting the Dots. Users can develop outcome statements that are automatically coded to a three level outcomes model, use a pre coded work sheet for test item planning, develop an item bank and quizzes in which the item codes are automatically associate with the outcome statement codes, and create and administration a quiz with outcome statement codes in the results. The quiz administration tool is currently in the field testing stage of development.
• Turner, P.M. & Carriveau, R.S. (2010). Next generation course design. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. [Chapters include elements of course design, how students learn, outcome based assessment and course design, and enabling course redesign].
• Alonzo, A., Basaraba, D., Tindal, G., Carriveau, R.S. (2009). They read, but how well do they understand? An empirical look at the nuances of measuring reading comprehension. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 35(1), 34-44. Hammill Institute on Disabilities. Hosted at
• Carriveau, R.S. & Blake, A. (2016). Outcome attainment measures versus grades: A validity issue. Presented at SoTL conference, University of Southern Georgia, Savannah GA 2016. Published in conference proceedings.
• Carriveau, R.S, Originally published as the Carriveau Individual Profile Reading Assessment (CIPRA) for grades 1-8 (English and Spanish). Over 200,000 students tested. The CIPRA is now all on-line and is called the Quick Score Reading Assessment Program. The assessment is an outcomes based multi-levels program that assesses student competency on eight specific learning outcomes, including higher order thinking, that are consistent across all eight test levels.
• Carriveau, R.S. (2018) Articles written for the University of North Texas Teaching Commons web site that include: Assessment as a teaching tool; Assessment as a learning tool; Best study strategies for students; Assessment to evaluate student learning; When grading, validity matters; The power of formative assessment and feedback; Why test score reliability and validity are important; Using taxonomies to create outcomes and assessments; Why testing knowledge is not just regurgitation; Selected response exams best practices; Cognitive load and test anxiety.
• Anatomy of Course Redesign
• Course Redesign Challenges
• Course Redesign Effect on Student Learning
• Critical Thinking and Item Validation
• Evaluation Strategies for Department Chairs
• Goal Attainment, A Group Level Model
• Measuring Critical Thinking with MC Items
• Multidimensional Approach to Quality Assurance
• Outcome Based Assessment & Evaluation, An Overview
• Outcome Attainment vs Grades
• Program Evaluation Strategies
• The Accreditation Connection
• Using Assessment Results to Design Blended Courses
• Using Outcome Attainment Values for Knowledge Management
• Challenging the Coin of the Realm; Outcome Attainment versus Grades
• Writing and Aligning MC test items with SLOs
• You Need a Valid Measure of Student Attainment of Learning Outcomes if you Want to Improve It
• Harnessing the Power of Formative Assessment and Feedback for Instruction, Learning, and Motivation.
• The Power of Formative Assessment, Feedback, and The Science of Learning
Over 300 outcomes and assessment faculty workshops presented from 2006-2018.
• 2009: UNT Provosts Annual Award for Exceptional Professional Service for development of the UNT Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness instrument.
• 2004: Arizona Department of Education award for Innovative and Creative Idea of The Year for the development of a dual-purpose assessment plan for the state testing program, saving the state seven million dollars.
• 2003: Selected as finalist to serve on the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) which sets policy for the NAEP.
• 1992: U.S. Office of Substance Abuse Prevention, program evaluation grant of $308,000 to Chapman University Evaluation Team to evaluate total grant of $3,750,000 awarded to Westside Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention.
• 1990: Nominated for outstanding presentation, Arizona Educational Research Organization
• 1989: Received Outstanding Presentation Award, Arizona Educational Research Organization.
• 1972: State Moot Court winner, University of Arizona Law School.
• Presentations to Arizona State Board of Education
• Meeting with individual State Board members to lobby position.
• Presentations to Arizona State Legislation Education Committee on assessment issues.
• Meetings with individual State legislators.
• Presentations to Arizona Business and Educators Collaborative (ABEC)
• Presentations to executive boards and committees of Arizona educational groups.
• Small business owner
• CEO for a small corporation
• Awarded three U.S. patents
• Three guitar instruction books published
• Professional guitarist
• Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) International
Noraini Idris
Professor Dato’ Dr. Noraini Idris is an educator, consultant, and distinguished academic in mathematics.
She gained her PhD from The Ohio State University, USA and has been entrusted with the position of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) at Sultan Idris Education University as well as Dean of the Faculty of Education at University of Malaya. She published a variety of national and international academic publications to her credit and is a Fulbright Research Fellow. Subsequently, she presented papers both nationally and internationally and conducted several research projects with UNESCO, the British Council, Australian Universities – such as Melbourne, Sydney and the Sumitomo, Japan. Her research areas are mathematics education, teacher education, computer-assisted assessment, higher education, and comparative education.
She has been the principal investigator for a a government-funded research on Development of A Teacher Education Model for Preparing Quality Teachers for the Future and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM). She is an active member in a research team comprising of members from USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, and China on Classroom for Teaching and Learning of Mathematics . She is also an International Editorial/Advisor/Reviewer for Journal of Mathematics Education, USA and Research Academic Journal, USA. Among her distinctions are the Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award – the only Asian recipient for the project on Minority Young Scholars Project and the Graduate Research Alumni Student Award from Ohio State University, a Gold Medal for ITEX (Geneva, 2005) and Best Award at MTE 2007, 2009 on designing assessment systems for K-12 schools and higher education, Gold Medal at ITEX 2011, 2013, 2014 for designing Module of Teacher Education. Most recently, she has been awarded the Leadership STEM 2018 from the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) and Visionary Leadership Category from the International Education Award 2018.
James E. Groccia
Dr. James E. Groccia is Professor Emeritus of Higher Education at Auburn University in Alabama, USA and Visiting Professor in the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Tartu in Estonia.
He is a former President of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, the world’s largest academic development professional organization. During his 40-year academic career, James has worked in Student Services as Director of Counseling, Orientation and Student Development Services and in Academic Affairs as an Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies, Director of Teaching and Learning, and as a full-Professor and doctoral student advisor. James is the author/co-author/co-editor of numerous book chapters and journal articles, as well as three special topic journals and nine books on the topics of educational productivity and quality, evidence-based teaching, student engagement, cross-cultural perspectives on teaching and learning, student assisted teaching, student success, academic development, and instructor training and development. He is currently co-editing a New Directions for Teaching and Learning journal issue on teaching and learning in the health professions. James was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Tartu (2011-12) and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the American University in Cairo in 2014. Dr. Groccia has presented at conferences, consulted, and conducted workshops throughout the U.S. as well as in Ecuador, Egypt, England, Estonia, Ghana, Hungary, Ireland, Germany, Scotland, Lebanon, Lithuania, Siberia/Russia, and Saudi Arabia.
In 2011, as a result of his workshops throughout Estonia, he was recognized as the Best Instructor of Lecturers by the Archimedes Foundation of the European Union Social Fund. He is a current member of Phi Beta Delta, the Honor Society for International Scholars and is an International Associate in the Center for Learning Innovations & Customized Knowledge Solutions (CLICKS), based in Dubai, UAE. Dr. Groccia has delivered many workshops focusing on course design and OBE both in the US and internationally. A critical focus of these professional development activities has been linking academic/educational development and evidence-based teaching to support the development of OBE. Evidence-based teaching rests on a premise that in order to achieve desired student learning as well as institutional outcomes, teachers need to select instructional activities that are based on empirical support, not just prior experience or traditional use. Additionally, Dr. Groccia has presented on the linkages between academic development and successful accreditation processes. Two of Dr. Groccia’s publications extend this discussion by presenting a broad overview, and examples of educational productivity, central to which is the successful attainment of student learning as well as institutional objectives. Underpinning most of his training efforts is his model developed to help conceptualize the teaching/learning process with rests firmly on the development of clearly developed, articulated, and assessed student learning goals.
Professional Service
- Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Global Education and Research (2017)
- Editorial Board, To Improve the Academy (2014-2016)
- Editorial Board, Idea Papers (2014-2016)
- Reviewer, TRAMES Journal: Higher Education—Higher Level Learning, Estonia (2013)
- Program Reviewer, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Colorado, Denver (2012)
- Hartwick College, Alumni Board of Trustees (2011-2013)
- Editor, To Improve the Academy (The POD Network’s Annual Publication) (2012 & 2013)
- Associate Editor, To Improve the Academy (The POD Network’s Annual Publication) (2010 & 2011)
- SACS Reaffirmation On-Site Committee, Quality Enhancement Plan Lead Reviewer (2009)
- Program Review Chair, Center for Excellence in Teaching, Iowa State University (2009)
- Pre-Conference Workshop Coordinator, Conference Proposal Reviewer, International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) (2008)
- Past-President (2007-2008), President (2006-2007), President-Elect (2005-2006) Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD)
- Editorial Board, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2008-2010)
- International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Governance Council (2006-2008)
- Conference Proposal Reviewer, Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) (2006)
- Conference Proposal Reviewer, International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) (2006)
- Conference Proposal Reviewer, Annual Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) Conference (2003, 2004, 2006)
- Grant Reviewer, Fund for the Improvement of Higher Education (FIPSE) (2002)
- Core Committee (Board of Directors), Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD Network) (1998-2001).
- Co-Chair, “Chemistry is in the News” Conference, University of Missouri (2001).
- Program Review Team Member, School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri (2001).
- Program Review Team Member, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Colorado (2000).
- Program Review Team Member, Office of Professional and Organizational Development, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2000).
- Program Review Team Member, Teaching and Learning Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (1999).
- Consultant, American Council on Education/USA Group Foundation Cost Management Project (1999).
- Co-Host (with the University of South Carolina), The Freshman Year Experience Conference: Science and Technological Education (1992).
- Co-Chair and Host, Northeastern University Counseling Center Directors Conference (1990).
Honors and Awards
- Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars) (2015)
- Global Teaching Academy Fellow, Auburn University (2015)
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, American University in Cairo (2014)
- Fulbright Scholar, Institute of Educational Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia (2011)
- Best Instructor of Lecturers, Archimedes Foundation (European Union Social Fund) (2011)
- Who’s Who in the World (2009-Present)
- Golden Key International Honour Society (2008)
- Who’s Who in America (2007-Present)
- Who’s Who in Education—Higher Education (2007)
- Best Student Paper Award (Co-authored with two graduate students), Graduate Studies Division, American Society of Engineering Education (2005)
- High Flyer Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia (2003)
- Excellence in Education Nominee, Division of Student Affairs & MU Parents Association, University of Missouri-Columbia (2003)
- Oxford Round Table Delegate, University of Oxford, England (2002).
- Honor Tap, Rollins Society, University of Missouri-Columbia Graduate and Professional Student Honor Society (2002).
- Friend of Graduate and Professional Students, National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (2001).
- Truman Scholar, University of Missouri-Columbia Medical School (2001). Clara Louise Myers Lectureship Award, School of Social Work, University of Missouri-Columbia (1999).
- Honorable Mention, Benjamin Drasher Award for Best Paper, American Society for Engineering Educational Annual Conference (1994).
- Nominee: Outstanding Freshmen Advocate Award, University of South Carolina (1991).
- The National Distinguished Service Registry: Counseling and Development (1989).
- Phi Delta Kappa—the National Education Honor Society (1977).
- Psi Chi—the National Psychology Honor Society (1970).
- Ford, C.R., & Groccia, J.E. (Eds.). (In preparation). Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Sarv, A., Karm, M., & Groccia, J.E. (In progress). The relationship between student feedback and university teacher professional development.
- Groccia, J.E., Ismail, E.A., McConner, M, Ford, C.R., & Noll, K. (Winter 2018). Perceptions of excellent teachers: International, HBCU, and health professions perspectives. Habits and practices of master teachers: International perspectives on excellent teaching. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 156, Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Groccia, J.E., & Buskist, W. (Eds.) (Summer 2018). Student engagement: A multidimensional perspective. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Number 154, Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Groccia, J.E. Student engagement—What is it? In J.E. Groccia, & W. Buskist (Summer, 2018). Student engagement: A multidimensional perspective. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 154, Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Ford, C., Wilkins, E, & Groccia, J.E. Student engaged in teaching. In J.E. Groccia, & W. Buskist (Summer, 2018). Student engagement: A multidimensional perspective, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 154, Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Ismail, E.A., & Groccia, J.E. Students engaged in learning. In J.E. Groccia, & W. Buskist (Summer, 2018). Student engagement: A multidimensional perspective, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 154, Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Soomere, T., Lepp, L., Groccia, J.E., & Ismail Mansour, E.A. (2018). Characteristics and behaviours of excellent teaching: Perceptions of military educators. Proceedings of INTED2018 Conference, Valencia, Spain.
- Ismail, E., & Groccia, J.E. (2017). Foreign and US-Educated Faculty Members’ Views on What Constitutes Excellent Teaching: Effects of Gender and Discipline. To Improve the Academy, 36, 2. Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Groccia, J.E. (2015). Professor: Learning is also important emotions. ERR Novaator and University of Tartu Magazine.
- Groccia, J.E., & Ismail, E. (2014). Role of university teaching and learning centers in developing graduate student teaching competencies. In W. Buskist, J. Busler, & B. Beins (Eds.), Preparing the New Professoriate: Helping Graduate Students Become Competent Teachers, Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
- Groccia, J.E., Ismail, E., & Chaudhury, S.R. (2014). Interactive group learning. In B. F., Tobolowsky, T., Skipper, & T. Vakos (Eds.), Paths to learning: Teaching for engagement in college. Columbia, SC: The National Resource Center.
- Groccia, J.E., Nickson, S.,Wang, C., & Hardin, H. (2014). Historical overview of learning theories. In B. F.Tobolowsky, T. Skipper, & T. Vakos (Eds.), Paths to learning: Teaching for engagement in college. Columbia, SC: The National Resource Center.
- Buskist, W., Ismail, E. A., & Groccia, J. E. (2014). A Practical Model for Conducting Helpful Peer Review of Teaching. In M. Parsell & J. Sachs (Eds.), Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, Volume 9. Sydney: Springer.
- Groccia, J.E., & Cruz, L. (Eds.). (2013). To improve the academy: Resources for faculty, instructional, and organizational development, Vol. 32. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Groccia, J.E., & Ismail, E. (2013). Do we know what works in supporting educational change? A case study. In R. Macdonald (Ed.), SEDA Special 33: Supporting educational change. London, UK: Staff and Educational Development Association Publications.
- Haamer, A., Karm, M., & Groccia, J.E. (2012). The impact of communities of practice on university teacher performance and professional identity development. In J. Mikk, M. Veisson, & P. Luik (Eds.), Estonian Studies in Education: Volume 4—Lifelong Learning. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang Publishers.
- Groccia, J.E., & Cruz, L. (Eds.). (2012). To improve the academy: Resources for faculty, instructional, and organizational development, Vol. 31. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Ismail, E.A., Buskist, W., & Groccia, J.E. (2012). Peer review of teaching. In M.E. Kite (Ed.), Effective evaluation of teaching: A guide for faculty and administrators. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:
- Groccia, J.E., & Hunter, M.S. (2012). The first-year seminar: Designing, implementing, and assessing courses to support student learning and success: Volume II—Instructor training and development. Columbia, SC: The National Resource Center.
- Groccia, J.E., Alsudairi, M.A.T., & Buskist, W. (Eds.). (2012). The handbook of college and university teaching: A global perspective. Los Angeles: SAGE Publishing.
- Groccia, J.E. (2012). A model to understand university teaching and learning. In J.E. Groccia, M.A.T. Alsudairi, & W. Buskist. (Eds.). The handbook of university teaching and learning: A global perspective. Los Angeles: Sage Publishing.
- Buskist, W., & Groccia, J.E. (Eds.). (2011). Evidence-based teaching. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 128. Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Groccia, J.E., & Buskist, W. (2011). The need for evidence-based teaching. In W. Buskist, & J.E. Groccia, (Eds.). Evidence-based teaching. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Vol. 128. Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Buskist, W., & Groccia, J.E. (2011). The future of evidence-based teaching. In W. Buskist, & J.E. Groccia, (Eds.). Evidence Based Teaching. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Vol. 128. Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Miller, J.E., & Groccia, J.E. (Eds.). (2011). To improve the academy: Resources for faculty, instructional, and organizational development, Vol. 30. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Miller, J.E., & Groccia, J.E. (Eds.). (2011). To improve the academy: Resources for faculty, instructional, and organizational development, Vol. 29. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Groccia, J.E. Why faculty development, why now? In A. Saroyan, & M. Frenay, (Eds.). (2010). Building Teaching Capacities in Universities: From Faculty Development to Educational Development. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing
- St.Clair, K.L., & Groccia, J.E. Change to social justice education: Theory and strategy. In C. Wright, K. Skubikowski, & R. Graf, (Eds.). (2009). Social justice education: Inviting faculty to transform their institutions. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
- Groccia, J.E. (2008). Principles of mentorship and academic mentoring. 2009 Conference Proceedings of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists/American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology Concurrent Meeting. Pp 64-67.
- Groccia, J. E. (2007, Winter). Planning faculty development activities: Using a holistic teaching and learning model. POD Network News, pp. 1, 3.
- Groccia, J.E., & Miller, J.E. (Eds.). (2007). On becoming a productive university: Strategies for reducing costs and improving quality in higher education. Arabic Translation. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Obeikan Publishers.
- Groccia, J.E. (2005). A guide for international graduate teaching assistants. Auburn University.
- Groccia, J.E., & Miller, J.E. (Eds.). (2005). On becoming a productive university: Strategies for reducing costs and improving quality in higher education. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing.
- Miller, J.E., Groccia, J.E., & Miller, M.S. (Eds.). (2005). Student-assisted teaching: Models, strategies, and outcomes. In J.E. Groccia, & J.E. Miller, On becoming a productive university: Strategies for reducing costs and improving quality in higher education . Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing.
- Burns, J., Groccia, J.E., Hamid, S., & Staley, C. (2004). Creating engaged learning environments for today’s college students. Video moderated by Carloyn Sawyer. The National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, University of South Carolina.
- Groccia, J.E. (2003). Comprehensive Course Design and Development. Auburn University.
- Miller, J.E., Groccia, J.E., & Miller, M.S. (Eds.). (2001). Student-assisted teaching: A guide to faculty- student teamwork. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing.
- Groccia, J.E., & Miller, J.E. (Eds.). (1998). Enhancing productivity: Administrative, instructional and technological strategies. New Directions for Higher Education, No. 103. Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- Groccia, J.E. (1997). Using learning theory and research to improve college teaching. The Chalkboard, No. 16, University of Missouri-Columbia.
- Groccia, J.E. (1997). A model for understanding teaching and learning. The Chalkboard, No. 15, University of Missouri-Columbia.
- Demetry, C., & Groccia, J.E. (1997). A comparative assessment of student experiences in two instructional formats in an introductory materials science course. Journal of Engineering Education, 86, 3.
- Groccia, J.E. (1997). The student as customer versus the student as learner. About Campus, 2, 2. Miller, J.E., & Groccia, J.E. (1997). Are four heads better than one? A comparison of cooperative and traditional teaching formats in an introductory Biology course. Innovative Higher Education, 21, 4.
- Morrison, KC, Groccia, J.E., Martin, A.W., & Poole, M. (1997). The MU Institute for Instructional Technology: Building collegial relationships to facilitate the enhancement of teaching and learning. Improving University Learning and Teaching, Volume 1: Contributed Papers. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Improving University Teaching, University of Maryland.
- Groccia, J.E., & Miller, J.E. (1996). Collegiality in the classroom: The use of peer learning assistants in collaborative learning in introductory biology. Innovative Higher Education, 21, 2.
- Miller, J.E., Groccia, J.E., & Wilkes, J.M. (1996). Providing structure: The critical element. In T.E. Southerland, & C. Bonwell (Eds.), Using active learning in college classes: A range of options for faculty. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 67, Malden, MA: Wiley Periodicals.
- DiBiasio, D., & Groccia, J.E. (1995). Active and cooperative learning in an introductory chemical engineering course. Proceedings: Frontiers in Education, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/American Society for Engineering Education, 25.
- Groccia, J.E. (1995). Increasing educational quality and faculty productivity through cooperative learning and peer assisted learning. Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, American Association for Engineering Education.
- Groccia, J.E., O’Connor, J.T., & Gerstenfeld, S.V. (1994). Chapter 7: Team dynamics: A manual for team-building. In Woods, D.W. (Ed.). Handbook for IQP advisors and students. Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- Hart, F.L., & Groccia, J.E. (1994). Fundamentals in Civil Engineering–a freshman course. Proceedings: Frontiers in Education, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/American Society for Engineering Education, 24.
- Hart, F.L., & Groccia, J.E. (1994). An integrated cooperative learning oriented freshmen civil engineering course: Computer analysis in civil engineering. Proceedings: Nineteenth International Conference on Improving College Teaching.
- Groccia, J.E. (1992). The college success book: A whole-student approach to academic excellence. Lakewood, CO: Glenbridge.
- Groccia, J.E. (1992). An introduction to a talent development approach to the measurement of student outcomes. Proceedings: Frontiers in Education–Towards 2000, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/American Society for Engineering Education, 22, 782-785.
- Groccia, J.E., & Harrity, M.B. (1991). The Major Selection Program: A proactive retention and enrichment program for undecided freshmen. Journal of College Student Development, 32, (2), 178-179.
- Plaud, J.J., Baker, R.W., & Groccia, J.E. (1990). Freshman decidedness regarding academic major and anticipated actual adjustment to an engineering college. National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Journal, 10, (2), 20-26.
- Groccia, J.E. (1990). Major Selection Program aids undecided freshmen. The Freshmen Year Experience Newsletter, 3, (2), 7.
- Groccia, J.E. (1990). A guide for international students: Welcome to WPI’s world of opportunity. Worcester, MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- Groccia, J.E. (1990). The WPI freshmen: A descriptive analysis of the “typical” new student, past and present. Worcester, MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- Groccia, J.E., & Halstead, R.W. (1989). Data bank: Higher education counseling services in Great Britain, 1986-1987; analysis by enrollment. Unpublished manuscript.
- Merryman, H.M., & Groccia, J.E. (1988). The 1987 WPI freshman: A descriptive, comparative, and longitudinal analysis. Unpublished manuscript.
- Moynihan, F.J., & Groccia, J.E. (1984). Differential counseling needs priorities as rated by college students, faculty, administrators, and parents. New York State College Student Personnel Association Research Journal, 1, (1), 1-9.
- Mairele, J.P., Groccia, J.E., Korn, H., Greer, C., Jorgensen, J., & Slimak, R. (1983). Counseling center involvement in campus crisis: Report of the campus crisis task force. Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors.
- Groccia, J.E. (1982). A multidimensional approach to reducing staff burnout. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors.
- Davidson, D.L., & Groccia, J.E. (1981). A humanistic approach to counseling in critical care. Critical Care Nurse, 1, (5), 28-30.
- Groccia, J.E. (1980). Changes: Adjusting to college. Worcester, MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- Groccia, J.E. (1979). The influence of coached-client behavior on counselor-trainee nonverbal behavior during an initial counseling interview. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
- Enhancing educational quality through student engagement, Facebook Live, Center for Learning Innovation & Customized Knowledge Solutions (CLICKS) (2018)
- Comprehensive course design, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia (2018)
- Engaging students in learning and research. Tallinn Technological University, Estonia (2108)
- Supporting and communicating with PhD students. University of Tartu, Estonia (2018)
- Applying what we know about adult learning to enhance teaching; Teamwork; Feedback and Feedforward; Supervising Learning. Baltic Defense College, Tartu, Estonia (2017)
- Best practice in supervising doctoral students, University of Tartu, Estonia (2017)
- The 7 principles of good practice in undergraduate education, University of Cape Coast, Ghana (2016)
- Keynote Address: Thoughts and stuff. Alabama Community Education Association Annual Conference. Birmingham, AL (2015)
- The 7 principles of good practice in undergraduate education; The 21st Century Academy and Millennial Learning: Implications for Future Practice. American University in Cairo (2014)
- Re-establishing a center for teaching and learning. University of Houston. (2013-2014)
- Enhancing educational productivity: A macro-level approach to institutional and student success. TFA’s 8th Annual Student Retention and Recruitment Workshop (2012)
- Applying what we know about learning to university teaching. EU/Primus Sponsored Summer Teaching Academy, University of Tartu, Estonia (2010)
- Motivating students to learn with active and engaged teaching. EU/Primus Sponsored Summer Teaching Academy, University of Tartu, Estonia (2009)
- Faculty innovation and change. Tennessee Board of Regents Academic Affairs Sub-Council Retreat. (2009)
- The 7 principles of good practice in undergraduate education. Faculty/Staff Orientation Opening Plenary. Alabama Southern Community College (2008)
- Comprehensive course design; Developing learning objectives; Building your academic portfolio; Motivating students to learn; and Classroom assessment techniques. Preparing for Effective Teaching Workshop, King Saud University. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2008)
- 7 principles of effective teaching; Art and science of effective lecturing; Multiple strategies for the evaluation of teaching. King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia (2007)
- Active learning; Multiple strategies for the evaluation of teaching; 7 principles of effective teaching. King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2007)
- Art and science of effective lecturing; 7 principles of effective teaching. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2007)
- The 21st Century academic. Appalachian State University New Faculty and Staff Convocation (Keynote Speech) (2007)
- Building your academic portfolio; Becoming a productive university; and, The importance of support for instructional and faculty development. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2007)
- On becoming a productive university (Keynote Address). First Arab World Faculty Development Conference, Faraya, Lebanon (2005)
- Building your academic portfolio. University of Missouri New Faculty Teaching Scholars Retreat (2002—2008)
- Comprehensive course design and development. University of Missouri New Faculty Teaching Scholars Fall Retreat (2003)
- Building your teaching portfolio. St. Louis University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (2003)
- Building your academic portfolio (w/M. Miller). St. Louis University (1997-2003)
- Applying what we know about learning to teaching. St. Louis University, School of Professional Studies (2002)
- Creating interactive learning environments. William Jewell College (2002)
Jonathan V. Macayan
Dr. Jonathan V. Macayan is a practitioner (Registered Psychologist), a researcher, and an education leader. He has spent many of his professional years in the academe as a faculty of social sciences and psychology.
He has also been also actively engaged in private consultative projects in various areas involving: academic (OBE and Learner-Centeredness, Education Research programs, Academic Administration), business and organization (IR Skills, Leadership Competencies, Change Management, Organizational Management) and, clinical (Behavioral Intervention Programs, Psychological Diagnostics and Assessment, Psychometric Test Development). His professional experiences, academic qualifications, and expertise have brought him to various administrative positions, including his current position in the academe as the Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Education at Mapua University, Philippines.
Research Publications
- Macayan, J. V., Quinto, E. J. M., Otsuka, J., & Cueto, A. B. (2018). Influence of language learning anxiety to L2 speaking and writing of Filipino university students: An explanatory sequential analysis. 3L: Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 24 (1).
- Macayan, J. V., Quinto, E. J. M., Otsuka, J., & Cueto, A. B. (2018). Do students learn L2 to outperform other learners or to master their own skills? GEMA Online Journal of English Language Studies , 18 (1).
- Macayan, J.V. (2017). Implementing Outcome-Based Educaction (OBE): Implications for Assessment of Students’ Performance. Educational Measurement and Evaluation Review, 8 (2), 1–9.
- Macayan, J.V. and Quinto, E.J.M. (2015). Fortifying Identities in the Engineering Classroom: The Motivational Role of Possible Selves. Proceedings from the International Conference on Engineering, Teaching, and Learning Innovation (ICEE-PHIL 2015).
- Macayan, J.V. and Ofalia, B.C. (2011). Determining experts and novices in college algebra: A psychometric test development and analysis using the Rasch model (1PL-IRT). Educational Measurement and Evaluation Review, 2, 62 – 76.
- Macayan, J.V. (2010). The assessment of personality and learning styles of engineering students: Advocating learner-centered approach in engineering education system. The Assessment Handbook, 4(1), 20 – 37.
- David A.P and Macayan, J.V. (2010). Assessment of teacher performance. The Assessment Handbook, 3, 65 – 76.
- Macayan, J.V., & San Jose, D.R.R., (2013). An experimental analysis of the interactivity of prior knowledge and motivational goal structure to the learner’s task performance in digital art: Integrating factors of goal orientation and cognitive load theory. SLHS Review, 2, 22 – 56.
- Macayan, J.V., (2012). Asians’ conception of achievement goals: An analytic review. SLHS Review, 1, 2 – 16.
- Macayan, J. V. (2012, August). The interactive effects of prior knowledge, cognitive workload, and goal structures to learner’s task performance in mathematics. Paper presented at 1st International Conference on Educational Measurement and Evaluation of the Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association, Phil.
- Macayan, J. V. (2010, August). Applying IRT and CTT on situational awareness decision making ability measure for pilots (SAD-MAM_P): A comparative psychometric analysis. Paper presented at the 2nd National Conference on Educational Measurement and Evaluation of the Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association, Phil.
- Macayan, J.V., Pinugu, J.N.J, Castillo, J.C.D. (2018). Understanding the Self: An Outcome-Based Module (Courseware). C&E, Publishing, Inc. Philippines
- Macayan, J.V. (2013). Building Future Engineers, One Trait at a Time. The Philippine Engineering Education, The Official News Magazine of Philippine Association for Technological Education. 1 (1), 10 – 12.
Professional Activities
- Editor In Chief, SLHS Review (ISSN# 2362-8529)
- External Reviewer
- GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies (ISSN: 1675-8021)
- Assessment Handbook (ISSN:2094-1412)
- Educational Measurement and Evaluation Review (ISSN: 2094-5876)
Seminar/Workshop/Conference/Trainings Conducted
- October 2018 – Addressing the Challenges and Prospects of the New Philippine Higher Education Curriculum through Outcome-Based and Digital Education, 2nd National Convention on Outcome-Based Education, Association of Education Researchers and Trainers (ASSERT), Manila.
- August 2018 – Decoding OBE: Ensuring Successful Implementation of the Education Framework. 1st International Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Education., New Era University, Quezon City
- July 2018 – OBE in RDE: Outcome-Based Education and Quality Education for Sustainable Development, RDE Training Workshop of Faculty and Administrators of Visayas State University, Letye Park, Tacloban City.
- June 2018 – Communication Proficiency Across the Curriculum: An Outcome-Based Education Framework, 30th National Convention of the Speech Communication Organization of the Philippines, Inc. (SCŌP) – FEU, Manila.
- May 2018 – Physical Education Across the Curriculum Empowerment (PEACE) Program, Book Writing Workshop for PE Authors, C&E Publishing, Inc., San Matias, Pampanga.
- April 2018 – Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Framework: The Nexus of Talent Development in the University Level. Philippine Society for Training and Development, National Convention 2018, Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
- April 2018 – Research Techniques in Outcome-Based Education: The ARC Model, 1st ASSERT CPDP Workshop. Lyceum of the Philippines, Manila
- 2017 – OBExperience, ASSERT OBE Conference, Lyceum of the Philippines University
- 2017 –Outcome-Based Education: Theory, Practice, and Research, Society of Academic Researchers in Tourism and Hospitality Management – SOAR (The Bayleaf Hotel, Cavite)
- 2017 –Outcome Based Assessment, Ateneo Teacher Training Center (Ateneo De Naga Univeristy)
- 2017 – Contextualization of Outcome-Based Education in the Philippine Education, National Convention on Educational Measurement and Evaluation – PEMEA (Winford Hotel, Manila)
- 2017 – The Triadic Lenses of Outcome-Based Education: Theory, Practice, and Administration, 1st ASSERT National Convention on Outcome-Based Education – ASSERT (LPU – Manila, The Bayleaf Hotel).
- 2016 –Outcome-Based Education in Senior High School, Mapua Institute of Technology Senior High School Faculty Orientation Seminar
- 2015 –Teaching+Learning+Assessment at its Best: The Outcome-Based Education Framework in Higher Education, Mapua Institute of Technology Faculty Development Training
- 2014 –Outcome-Based Education: Implications to Teaching and Learning and Materials Development, The Council of Engineering of Panay and Negros Island, Bacolod City
Affiliation with Professional Organizations
- Association of Education Researchers and Trainers, President 2016 – Present
- Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association (PEMEA), Fellow Member, Elected Board of Directors 2016
- Psychological Association of the Philippines, Associate Member, Educational Psychology Division
Fong Mak
Dr. Fong Mak is a Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of Gannon University.
He is also a consultant to GE Transportation in Erie since 1994 and helps build real-time simulators for aid in design and development of control schemes for the GE locomotives. He served 14 years as a Chair for the ECE department. He published significant research work on outcomes assessment; and offered 10 workshops at BAP/ABET Symposium and FIE conferences on outcomes assessment and accreditation. With his extensive knowledge and experience in outcomes assessment, he founded MAKTEAM Software; and created EvalTools®, the most comprehensive online assessment tool that covers learning management, outcomes assessment, continuous improvement management, student advising, survey and institutional-wide self-study. With EvalTools®, he successfully led the ECE department of Gannon through three ABET accreditation cycles with flying colors in 2005, 2011, and 2017 respectively. In addition, he served as Co-Chair for the Gannon’s Middle-States Self-Study committee from 2010 till 2013 and led the committee through a two-year preparation effort in writing the self-study report that resulted in Gannon receive its most successful accreditation record in 2013.
Similarly, with EvalTools®, he assisted Physics and Engineering program of Frostburg State University; and Computer Science and Engineering programs of Islamic University of Madinah to achieve excellent results in ABET accreditation. He serves as consultant to other schools for their ABET accreditation.
In addition, he worked with K12 schools to create AdamTools® for K12 school districts to manage their student information from admissions to graduation as well as special education to handle Intervention Assistant Team (IAT), Multi-Factor Evaluation (MFE) and Individual Education Program (IEP). His most recent work is the creation of a School Management System based on 7-Pillar principles that allows a district to analyze effectively its management and academic achievement performance. The 7-Pillar School Management System is currently being used in 18 school districts in Ohio.
Honors and awards
- Who’s Who Among Americans Teacher’s, 2002, 2003 and 2004.
- “EEDP Instructor 2004-2005”, awarded by GE Transportation EEDP, 2005.
- “Objective Evidence of Outcomes Achievement Award,” awarded by Gannon University, 2009.
- “2010 Minority Achievers”, Talk Magazine’s 36th Salute to Minority Achievers, 2010.
- Teaching of design of experiment to the first year electrical engineering students, ASEE 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, Fong Mak, Ram Sundaram,
- Integrated FCAR model with traditional rubric-based model to enhance automation of student outcomes evaluation process,” ASEE 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, Fong Mak, Ram Sundaram.
- Change the traditional way of Teaching Electric Drives Laboratory with design of experiment, Conference Paper, Oct 2016, Lin Zhao, F.K. Mak
- WEX-HIL: Design of a Wireless Extensible hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulator for electric vehicle applications, Conference Paper, Oct 2016, Yong-Kyu Jung, F.K. Mak, Fnu Qingele, Idrees Alzahid
- Quality improvement with automated engineering program evaluations using performance indicators based on Bloom’s 3 domains, Conference Paper, Oct 2016, Wajid Hussain, M. F. Addas, F.K. Mak
- Curriculum integration for the ECE undergraduate core courses in electronics, Conference Paper, Oct 2013, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, Qing Zheng, Pengtao Lin, F.K. Mak, Lin Zhao
- Work in progress: Engaging faculty for program improvement via EvalTools®: A new software model, Conference Paper, Oct 2012, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, Mohammed Eltayeb, F.K. Mak, Oguz Soysal
- Work in progress — Design and delivery of the graduate course on electronic systems integration, Article, Oct 2011, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, Qing Zheng, Ramakrishnan Sundaram, F.K. Mak
- Work in progress — Exploiting high-altitude ballooning as a framework of ECE Senior Design projects, Conference Paper, Nov 2010, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, Wookwon Lee, F.K. Mak
- Building learning bridges among undergraduate courses of Electronics, Power Electronics and Electric Drives Lab, Conference Paper, Nov 2010, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, Lin Zhao, F.K. Mak
- Systematic means for identifying and justifying key assignments for effective rules-based program evaluation, Article, Oct 2010, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, F.K. Mak, Jessica Kelly
- Laboratory set-up for real-time study of electric drives with integrated interfaces for test and measurement, Conference Paper, Nov 2008, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, F.K. Mak, Ram Sundaram, Varun Santhaseelan, Sunil Tandle
- A Matlab-based teaching of the two-stub smith chart application for electromagnetics class, Article, Oct 2008, Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, F.K. Mak, Ram Sundaram
- Collection, Maintenance, And Validation Of A Set Of Effective Objective Evidence, Article, Jan 2006, San Juan, F.K. Mak, Stephen Frezza
- Using Student Learning Outcomes Assessment to Assure EC2000 Program Effectiveness, Article, Jan 2005, F.K. Mak, Stephen Frezza
- Enhancing ABET EC2000 preparation using a Web-based survey/reporting tool, Conference Paper, Dec 2003, F.K. Mak, Stephen Frezza, Wook-Sung Yoo
- AC/DC/AC converter drives simulation using SIMNON, Conference Paper, Mar 1995, F.K. Mak
- Classification of voltage problems in electric power systems, Article, Dec 1993, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
F.K. Mak, Marija Ilic - Design of nonlinear generator exciters using differential geometric control theories, Conference Paper, Feb 1992, F.K. Mak
- Voltage dynamics of electric power systems in their closed loop operation, Conference Paper, Jun 1990, Marija Ilic, F.K. Mak
- A two-level control coordination in interconnected power systems, Conference Paper, Jan 1990, Marija Ilic, F.K. Mak
- A New Class of Fast Nonlinear Voltage Controllers and their Impact on Improved Transmission Capacity, Conference Paper, Jul 1989, Marija Ilic, F.K. Mak
- Mid-range voltage dynamics in electric power systems, Conference Paper, Jan 1989, Proceedings – IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Marija Ilic, F.K. Mak
- Mid-range voltage dynamics modeling with the load controls present, Conference Paper, Jan 1988, Marija Ilic, F.K. Mak
- Nonlinear torque control of electric motor drives: Part II, Conference Paper, Jun 1986, Marija Ilic, F.K. Mak
- High-Altitude Ballooning for ECE Senior Design Projects, Article, Wookwon Lee, F.K. Mak, A Scott Baron, Jessica L Ziemianski
Renate N. Caine
Dr. Renate N. Caine, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus, California State University, San Bernardino and the executive director of the Natural Learning Research Institute.
She was an award winning high school teacher, consults with educators, gives talks around the world, and is the senior author of “Natural Learning for a Connected World”. Dr. Renate Caine is is best known for her work integrating neurobiology with an understanding of how human beings learn. With her colleague Geoffrey Caine she has been lead author on over 10 books on learning and teaching including “Making Connections, Teaching and the Human Brain”, and most recently, “Natural Learning for a Connected World – Education,Technology and the Human Brain”.
Her books have been translated into six languages including Chinese, Korean, Swedish, and Turkish and the Caines have consulted in all 50 US states and internationally. Their research and work on Natural Learning is summarized on two websites: and
Keynote Speaker/Symposia/Guest Lecturer – Recent
- Campus Technology Forum April 9, 2013. “Beyond the ‘Flipped Classroom’ and ‘e-Textbooks’ to a Radically New Vision for Pedagogy”. San Diego, CA
- Learning & the Brain -“Web Connected Minds/Brain”. The Conference was co-sponsored by labs at Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives.
Additional Presentations
- Principal’s Conference, sponsored by the University of California, Irvine;
- Humboldt County Curriculum Conference, Humboldt State University; California School Leadership
- Association Convocation, California Department of Education;
- Southeast Learning Styles Conference, George
- Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia;
- Northeast Regional Middle Grades Conference, North Carolina;
- “Linking Theory to Research” Conference, Iowa;
- “Theory into Practice, Northern Trails Area Agency, Iowa;
- Rural Schools Conference, Utah State Office of Education;
- California School Leadership North Bay Coastal Consortium, Santa Rosa, CA;
- California School Leadership Conference, Long Beach; “The Human Brain and Learning”, University of Adelaide, Australia;
- “Stress, the Brain, and Information Overload” Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia;
- California Dept. of Education; National Education Association;
- California ASCD; Wisconsin ASCD.
- Workshops and Institutes – ASCD Curriculum Institute, Boston, Mass.;
- California Council on the Education of Teachers (CCET), San Jose, CA;
- Teacher as Scholar Institute, California State University
- Chancellor’s Office, Berkeley, CA;
- Sacramento City Unified School District Curriculum Staff Development;
- Conejo Valley Unified School District; Yucaipa Joint Unified School District;
- Moreno Valley Unified School District; Fremont School District, Fremont, CA; Santa Ana School District, Santa Ana, CA;
- Los Angeles County Schools; Colorado Issues Network, Denver, CO;
- La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia;
- Seminars on Accelerated Learning for Longman’s International, Australia (Sydney and Melbourne);
- North Carolina Dept. of Public Instruction.
I – Stress Management (this list is representative, not exhaustive)
- Workshops and Keynotes – Stress Management for Managers and Administrators: CSUSB “Woman in Management” series;
- Rohr Industries;
- Association of Government Accountants;
- United Way “Loaned Executives,” health professionals;
- Management Association of Colton and Alvord School Districts; and
- CWA Union leaders.
Additional consulting for various organizations:
- Stress and Anxiety, Stress and Parenting, Stress of Police and Sheriffs’ Wives, Stress in Adult/Child Interactions.
II – The Human Brain and Learning (this list spans the U.S. and Australia and is representative, not exhaustive)
- Long Term Consulting – A sample of schools and districts that integrated concepts outlined in our books include Dry Creek Elementary School, Sacramento, CA;
- Park View Middle School, Yucaipa, CA.
- Redwood School in Fontana, CA,
- Schools in three districts in Michigan
- 185 schools in Adelaide, Australia,
- Rose Warren Empowerment School in Las Vegas, Nevada, and
- the Rowland Heights District in Rowland Heights, CA through the Ball Foundation.
Editorial Responsibilities
Associate Editor: Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching.
Reviewer for various Publishing Companies and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
- Caine, G. and Caine, R. (2010) Strengthening and Enriching your Professional Learning Community: The Art of Learning Together: Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
- Caine, R. and Caine, G. (92011) Natural Learning for a Connected World: Education, Technology, and the Human Brain. New York: Teacher College Press.
- Caine, R., Caine, G., McClintic, C and Klimek, K. (2008) (2nd. Ed.). The 12 Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action. Corwin Press.
- Caine, G., Caine R., (2001). The Brain, Education and the Competitive Edge. Scarecrow Press.
- Caine, G., Caine R., and Crowell, S. (Revised, 1999). Mindshifts. Zephyr Press.
- Crowell, S., Caine, R. and Caine, G. (1998). The ReEnchantment of Learning. Zephyr Press.
- Caine, R. and Caine, G. (1997). Unleashing the Power of Perceptual Change: The Promise of Brain Based Teaching
- Caine, G. and Caine, R. (2010). “How People Learn: The Brain/Mind Principles of Natural Learning” in Lazeron, N. (ed.) Brain Based Learning. Dutch Association of Training and Development.
- Caine, R. (2008) “How Neuroscience Informs our Teaching of Elementary Students.” Pp.127-141. In Block, C., Parris, S., and Afflerbach, P., (Eds.), Comprehension Instruction, 2nd Edition. N.Y.: Guilford Press.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (2006). “Meaningful Learning and the Executive functions of the Human Brain.” in Johnson, S. and Taylor, K. (eds.)
- The Neuroscience of Adult Learning. Pp. 53-62. JossseyBass.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (2001) “Capitalizing on the Invisible Dimensions of Organizational Learning” in Costa, A. (Ed.). Developing Minds: A resource Book for Teaching Thinking. ASCD.
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (2000). “How the Brain Learns” in Ecoliteracy: Mapping the Domain. Center for Ecoliteracy.
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (1993). “Understanding a Brain-Based Approach to Learning and Teaching.” In Fogarty, Robin, (Ed.)
- Integrating the Curricula: A Collection. IRI Skylight Publishing.
- Caine R., Caine G. (1991) in The Middle Years. The essential teaching repertoire. Howard. D.L & Fogarty R. (Eds.) 2004. Hawker Brownlow Education. Australia Articles
- Caine R., Natural Learning Research Institute, Caine, G., Caine Learning Center, “How New Research on Learning is Rewriting How Schools Work and Teachers Teach,” (Autumn, 2011) Learning Landscape. Vol. 5, No. 1.
- Caine R., Caine, G. “The Way We Learn” (September, 2006). Educational Leadership. Vol. 64, No. 1.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. “Mastering Brain-Based Teaching” (2001) in Skylight Professional Development Teacher Neighborhoods, www.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (May 2000). “The Learning Community as a Foundation for Developing Teacher Leaders” in the NASSP Bulletin, Vol. 84, No. 616, pp. 7-14.
- Caine, G. Caine R. (1999) “Unleashing the Power of Perceptual Change” in Costa, A.L. (ed.)
- Teaching for Intelligence: A Collection of Articles. Skylight.
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (1998) “How to think about the Brain.” The School Administrator, Vol. 55 (1), pp. 12-16.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (March 1999) “The Uses and Abuses of Brain Research in Education: The Issue of Assessment” in The High School Magazine , Vol. 6 No. 5, (pp. 8-12).
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (May 1998) “Building a Bridge between the Neurosciences and Education: Cautions and Possibilities.” NASSP Bulletin, Vol. 82 No. 598, (pp. 1-8).
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (April, 1995) “Reinventing Schools Through Brain Based Learning.” Educational Leadership, Vol. 52, No. 7., pp. 43-47.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (Mar 1999 ). “Bringing the Brain into Assessment.” High School Magazine, v6 n5 p8-12
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (Sp 1997) “Natural, Joyful, Meaningful Learning.” Zip Lines: The Voice for Adventure Education. n31 p11-16
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (Winter 1993). “Brain Research: Perspectives on the Promise and Perils of Learning in Cooperative Groups.” Cooperative Learning, vol. 13, No. 2, pp.24-25.
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (Autumn 1992). “Defining Intelligence in the Decade of the Brain.” New Horizons for Learning, vol. XIII, No.1, pp.3-4.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (Winter 1991). “The Use of Brain Research as a Basis for Evaluating Integrative Approaches to Education.” Journal of the Society of Accelerated Learning and Teaching, p.365.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (May 1991).“Downshifting: A Hidden Condition that Sabotages Change.” The Instructional Leader, vol. VI, No. 3.
- Caine, G. (1991). “Viewing Training and Development Through the lens of Brain Research. “ The PD Connection, Ernst and Young. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 5-6
- Caine, R., Caine, G. (October 1990). “Understanding a Brain-Based Approach to Learning and Teaching.” Educational Leadership. Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 66-70.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (February 1990). “What We Know About Learning.” Published concurrently in three February, 1990 computer journals: DATA Training, CBT Directions, and Information Center.
- Caine, G., Caine, R. (May, 1989). “Learning About Accelerated Learning.” Training and Development Journal. Vol. 43. No. 5, pp. 64-73. Reprinted in Frantzreb, R.B. (1990). Training and Development Yearbook 1990. Prentice Hall.
- Nummela, R. and Rosengren, T. (1986). “The Story: The Brain’s Natural Delight.” ASCD Clearinghouse Bulletin. (July 1988).
- Caine, R. (April 1988). “The Brain’s Routes and Maps, Vital Connections for Learning.” NAASP Bulletin.
- Nummela, R. and Rosengren, T. (Summer 1986). “Orchestration of Internal Processing.” Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching.
- Caine, R., Stoner, D. (August 1986). “Environmental Education: A Brain Compatible Approach to Learning.” ERIC.
- Nummela, R. and Rosengren, T. (1986).”What’s Happening Inside Students’ Brains May Redefine Teaching.” Educational Leadership. (May 1986).
- Nummela, R. and Rosengren, T. (March 1986). “The Triune Brain: A New Paradigm for Education.” Journal of Humanistic Education and Development.
- Avila, D., Nummela, R. and Spangler, R. (1985). “Some Behavioristic Contributions to the Helping Professions,” in D. L. Avila and Arthur W. Combs’ (Eds.) Perspectives on Helping Relationships and the Helping Professions. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
- Caine, R. (Fall 1982). “The Number of Teacher Adaptions Can Predict Burn-Out.” Education, vol. 103, no. 1.
- Nummela, R. Avila, D. “Teacher Effectiveness Training and Pupil Attitude.” ERIC Microfiche.
- Nummela, R. (January 1981). “Stress Management: A Vital Theory for Education.” Colorado Journal of Educational Research.
- Nummela, R., Avila, D. (Fall 1980). “Self-Concept and Teacher Effectiveness Training.” The College Student Journal, vol. 14, no. 3.
- Nummela, R., Avila, D. (Winter 1979). “Meditation: The Third Dimension of Total Health.” New Directions in Teaching, vol. 6, no. 3.
- Nummela, R. (Fall 1979). “Understanding About Lights.” Celebrations, vol. 4, no. 2.
- Nummela, R., Avila, D. (June 1979). “A Thought of Discipline.” Journal of Humanistic Education.
- Avila, D. and Nummela, R. (1977). “Transcendental Meditation: A Psychological Interpretation.” Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 842-844.
Kathy Mason
Kathy Mason is an Amazon Best-selling Author, Speaker, Host of the show Conscious Business Zone, and Online Sales Specialist who works with Conscious Companies to help them grow.
She is psychic and intuitive and can see your Soul Mission and help you create that vision now.
Through her company, Mason Works Marketing, she lovingly supports her clients as a seasoned interactive strategy coach and implementer, with a solid background in developing products and publicity across all digital platforms; Internet, TV, Mobile, In-store Marketing, and Social Networks. She is a high energy cause-marketing expert with over twenty years of expertise at rolling-out cutting-edge strategies for business building communications, implementation, training, and book or e-book publication.
Anita Chase
Anita Chase is Associate Principal at the Lieser Campus of a three-campus Alternative Learning Program in Vancouver, Washington, USA.
The Vancouver School District’s alternative programs serve students Kindergarten through 12th grade and above (student 5-21 years of age). She has worked in education for thirty five years, serving students pre-school through high school.
Anita has a BA in Education, a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University and a Credential in Education Administration from Heritage College and Washington State University. She believes that Education is a Civil Rights issue and that the traditional system of education has failed most students, especially students of color and students living in poverty, where the situation has been even more dire. Moreover, in order to meet the academic, social-emotional and developmental needs of today’s students, she is committed to changing the traditional system of education, and regards Outcome Based Education’s inclusionary, ‘Success for All Learners’ philosophy as a critical vehicle for promoting the cultural responsiveness and for dismantling the systematic racism that so many schools must undergo. “It is the work that I have been involved in and strongly believe will make the difference in the lives of our students.”
Lindsey Conner
Prof Lindsey Conner is an internationally renowned education expert who is known for her research on innovation in education and teaching.
Currently at Flinders University, Prof Conner is Professor in Digital Education and Innovation. She was the Dean People and Resources until end of June 2019 (all matters related to staffing, budgets and staff development) and since February 2019, concurrently the Dean Education (academic development and course quality assurance) in the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work at Flinders. Lindsey was previously the Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor, Associate Dean Postgraduate Research and Dean (Education – teaching and learning) at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
Prof Conner has a strong international profile and led the 7 country Pacific Circle Consortium research project on Teacher Education for the Future. In 2013 Prof Conner was invited as a consultant to NIER (Japan) working with the Ministry of Education Japan on infusing competencies across the curriculum. Prof Conner was also a funded visiting teaching and research fellow at SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang Malaysia (2013) and a consultant in the development of science teaching standards for the South East Asian Ministries of Education (2014). Prof Conner has developed courses and supported researchers from universities in Bangladesh, China, Malaysia and Korea. She has over 186 research outputs.
Her research on the application of technologies in a wide range of educational contexts and translational research for teaching, has had outstanding impact. For example, Prof Conner was the New Zealand coordinator for the OECD Innovative Learning Environments Project and Education Commissioner for the New Zealand Olympic Committee. Prof Conner has also led an international partnership project on implementing ICT in schools and was Director of the Science and Technology Education Research Hub at the University of Canterbury.
Motaharul Islam
Dr. Md. Motaharul Islam has joined United International University (UIU) as Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering.
Before joining UIU, he had been serving as an Associate Professor in the same Department of Brac University (BracU). He had also served as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science under the Faculty of Computer and Information Systems at Islamic University of Madinah (IUM), Saudi Arabia. Before travelling to IUM, he had been working as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department of Islamic University of Technology (IUT), OIC, Gazipur, Bangladesh. He has been awarded PhD in Computer Engineering from Kyung Hee University, South Korea in the field of Smart Internet of Things (IoT) in 2013. Dr. Motahar had also served as the Chief Technical Officer of BERNET (Currently BdREN) of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC). As the community service, he has been working as an Associate Editor of International Journal of Computers and Applications, Taylor & Francis Group, UK since 2017. He has published around 70 research articles in the reputed international journals and conferences. His research interest includes Smart IoT, NB-IoT, IP-WSN, Cloud Computing, Network Virtualization, Edge Intelligence, Machine Learning etc. For the last four years, Dr. Motahar had been actively engaged in outcome based education (OBE) for ABET and BAETE. He led the OBE Committee, Curriculum Committee and supervised the Cloud Computing Research Lab at BracU. He also served as the adviser of IEEE CS students chapter at BracU.
Muhammad Munir
With over 25 years of total experience, including 18 years foreign experience in the USA and Saudi Arabia, Mr. Muhammad Munir demonstrate high levels of expertise in training, consultancy, and academic administration.
Mr. Munir obtained his MBA in 1998 from Lamar University in Texas, USA. He is a certified professional of “IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (BI)” software and worked extensively with data warehouse-based BI projects in USA. The clients that Mr. Munir served as business analyst in USA includes Mattel Inc., Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), Fuelman, Washington Mutual (WAMU), Fremont Insurance, Smith Blair and Sky-Tell Communications. Regarding the academic experience, the institutions Mr. Munir worked include American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) in Bangladesh, Jubail University College and Al Yamamah University in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Munir is proficient in institutional quality assurance systems, standards and procedures and has proven expertise in setting-up and managing quality assurance and accreditation activities. As a seasoned trainer, Mr. Munir conducted hundreds of trainings locally and internationally in management, quality assurance and skill-development topics with the audiences of faculty members, students, administrative personnel and general public. He is a confident educator of business with consulting experience in the corporate and industrial sectors covering telecom, manufacturing, medical, insurance and business areas. Possessing superior interpersonal skills, Mr. Munir has the ability to create, foster and enhance business relationships that assist in achieving organizations objectives. Currently he is working as a Director (In-Charge) of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at United International University (UIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone: +88-01720044444
Hassan Sarwar
I, Hasan Sarwar, complete my B.Sc. Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering in 1995 from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 1995.
Since then, I got involved into teaching Computer Science and Engineering in the Institute of Science and Technology. I had a passion to work with deep science and therefore managed to get a PhD in Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication in 2006. Here I worked in a completely different dimension from my earlier work. Here I worked with Simulation of Semiconductors.
Summary of PhD Work
Semiconductor devices have been observed in terms of Electron transport through them using Monte Carlo Simulation. Monte Carlo Method as applied to charge transport in semiconductors, consists of simulation of motion of several electrons inside a crystal. Behaviour of electrons is observed under the action of applied forces due to applied electric fields. A comparative analysis is reported in terms of the relative number of scattering in the ternary systems of semiconductor. The scattering methods are polar optical phonon scattering, ionized impurity scattering non-polar acoustics optical phonon scattering. Emphasis has been given on ternary AlxGa1-xAs, GaxIn1-xAs and AlxIn1-xAs systems. Influence of scattering mechanisms on electron velocity has been shown. Input parameters were temperature, dimension of the device, donor concentration.
Teaching and Chairing
Later I got fully involved in teaching and got appointed as Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of United International University. I concentrated on Teaching and Learning and taught many different types of courses. I managed to expand the department size from a fledgling status to a very grown stage an served there as Departmental Head for 7 years. Still now I am working as a Professor in this University.
I have worked as a Consultant for establishing a Distance Learning Resource Center for Bangladesh University of Health Science.
Development of Health Application
Research Grant received to build the “Mobile-Web based Electronic health records System for patient management in heart diseases” from innovation fund of 2015-16 ICT Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and IT, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh of around 15500 USD, June 2016. Here, we have developed a mobile application for the use of doctors and nurses. This application simplifies the access of patient state through using of smart phone by doctors. Literally it has solved the challenges of doctors to fetch patient information. As a result prompt medical attention can be given by the doctors to the patients. This, in a way, reduces the hospital stay of the patients and makes the cure faster. Which also allows to deal with more number of patients within a certain period of time.
Development of NanoParticles
As I said earlier, I had a passion to work with semiconductor. So I managed a research grant received for Preparation and Characterization of Plasmonic Metal Nanoparticles deposited on glass from United International University of around 10,700 USD, March 2016. In this research work, we managed to build a A Facile Arc-Discharge Method to Deposit Metal Nanoparticles on Glass Substrate. In this work, we developed a simple low-cost approach to produce nanoparticles using arc-discharge method. Unlike existing deposition techniques, this is the first instance that nanoparticles are deposited on a charge neutral substrate by arc discharge method. This work has been published in Nanoscience and Naotechnology Letter in 2019.
Being a team member to build Refreshable Digital Braille Display
A Research Grant received to build the “Refreshable Digital Braille Display” from Access to Information programme (A2i) of Prime Ministers Office (PMO) of around 30000 USD, June 2015.
Development of First Bangla Optical Character Recognition System
I got a Research Grant that I received to build the first Bangla Optical Character Recognizer (OCR) from Access to Information programme (A2i) of Prime Ministers Office (PMO) of around 28000 USD, October 2013. We developed the first successful Bangla Optical Charcter Recognizer. This OCR was capable to convert printed Bangla text into editable document in bangla font. The mention is found here More than a dozens of publication is available where I worked with Bangla OCR.
Being a Team Member to build the First and Only Bangladesh Research and Education Network
I was involved as a Consultant of International Partner (IP), Kent State University, to support building Bangladesh Research and Education Network BDREN to be operated as a trust initiated under University Grants Commission, supported by World Bank. 2012 – 2016. We already know that BdREN is the only framework providing high speed internet facility and computing facility throughout the country using Fiber network and connecting all the universities of the country for the first time.
Development and Deployment Architect - University Management System
While I was the Deparmtmental Head, I always had the question that why we are failing to develop a comprehensive and successful ERP Software to run University. So I approached our Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. M Rezwan Khan back in around 2009-2010 and got his patronage to carry out a research on engineering a Comprehensive University Management System. Later we came up with a fantastic prototype that was able to be a very good candidate to work as a comprehensive management software.
Startup Established in 2013
Finally we initiated a startup EDUSOFT CONSULTANTS LTD in 2013 to promote the scaling and commercialization of the University management system ERP known as UCAM. Currently UCAM is being used as the major management system in some of the frontline universities like BUP, MIST, BSMEMU, BSMRAU, IBA-DU, BOU, UIU, UAP, UITS, BUFT, MIU, GUB, BRUR, ISU, GLOBAL UV, etc. It encompasses modules like admission, registration, curriculum, billing, result, HR, payroll, Leave, Accounts, Finance, Hotel and many other modules.
Development and Deployment Architect – School and College Management System
We have also developed a Comprehensive School and College Management System and implemented the system in several organizations. The complete package developed in C# ASP.NET platform. It is a system that manages and keeps track of a student’s academic career starting from admission till ending his academic career. It also integrates accounts management system to keep track of financial issues. At present, 3 schools and colleges are using this product.
Development and Deployment Architect of Accounting Software
My first experience with a software on Integrated Accounts and Inventory – This software works for a steel industry. It was deployed around 1998 in Foxpro 2.5 and still running. Full Account support is given here. Manufacturing Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheets are prepared. Some inventory management is also included in this system. Now this legacy system is being replaced with a similar modified solution developed in C# ASP.NET.
Development of First Commercial Version of OBE Software
Currently we have come up with the first Outcome Based Education Software in Bangladesh. This is another milestone of myself in developing a software which will help Bangladeshi universities and the Engineering departments to start the practicing of Outcome Based Education in a quicker way. 2 universities are now using this software.
Developing a new model for Software Engineering
We have proposed a new Engineering Model called 3D model for Software Engineering, where the Ds stand for Design, Develop and Deploy. Design indicates the design of the product making as well as the process design. Develop and Deploy is also hinting to the product and process. The process improvement is managed through observation and management, which are fed back into the system through proper documentation. We did some client surveys, organization surveys, and observed work patterns of a group of human resources for a period. We measured some of the parameters before and after the implementation of 3D model. We found that implementation of 3D model gives an improved process and product development environment with no extra manpower or extra costing. At this moment, we are carrying out a 12 Lakh taka funded research, funded by United International University to better evaluate this process and its effectiveness to improve the software development performance of software industries.
Research and Publication
I have a number of journal and international conference pulications on Education, Health, Software Engineering, Plasmonics and Nanoparticles, computer networking and many others.
Key Resource person for LMS and OBE
I also work as a trainer, consultant, key resource person for the implementation of Digitization in Learning and Learning Management system. I also serve as an expert in the implementation of Outcome Based Education in the Engineering departments of various universities.
Salekul Islam
I am a Professor and Head of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department of United International University (UIU), Bangladesh.
Before joining UIU, I worked as an Assistant Professor at North South University, Bangladesh. I also worked as an FRQNT Postdoctoral Fellow at the Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (EMT) center of Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Montréal where my adviser was Dr. Jean-Charles Grégoire. I completed my PhD in June 2008 from Computer Science and Software Engineering Department of Concordia University under the supervision of Dr. J William Atwood.
Administrative Achievements
As a Head of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department
- CSE, UIU is now considered as one of the top-ranked CSE programs in the country.
- The size of the department (in terms of both qualified faculty members and students)
becomes double in last five years. - Among all private universitis, Masters in CSE (MSCSE) program of UIU attracts the
maximum number of graduate students. - The BSCSE program has successfully received accreditation twice from BAETE, IEB.
This is the first CSE program to receive accreditation (for four years) from BAETE by
following newly introduced Outcome-Based Education (OBE) system. - The CSE Department successfully completed the Self-Assessment Visit introduced by
UGC. - Introduced a new curriculum for the BSCSE program that satisfy the requirements of
both UGC and OBE (BAETE). - Organized several international conferences including SKIMA-2016, MediTec-2016,
ICCIT-2018, ICAICT-2020 and ETCCE-2020.
Other involvements at UIU
- Lead the team that was responsible for including UIU in the prestigious QS Asia Ranking
(ranked among 301-350 position in 2019 ranking) for the first time. - Involved in providing data to improve position in the Times Higher Education (THE)
Impact Ranking. - Active member of IT Advisory Committee and involve in full automation of the university.
Shaik Altaf Hussain
Dr. Shaik Altaf Hussain did his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from the prestigious Institution, the National Institute of Technology, Warangal, subsequently pursued, M.Tech in Environmental Management from JNTU, Hyderabad, and then did his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from JNTUA, Anantapur.
He is also enriched with Professional degrees like Diploma in Industrial Safety from Annamalai University; Master of Human Resource Management, from Annamalai University; and has been the member of several professional bodies like Institution of Engineers India, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers etc.,
Dr. Altaf Hussain, started his career as Assistant Professor, at Padmasri B.V.Raju Institute of Technology, a subsidiary of Raasi Cements and Vishnu Cements, and subsequently grown up to the level of Professor, HOD and Director of Research & Consultancy, and served to more than 50 companies in India and abroad.
After serving 18+ years, he joined Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad in the year 2016 as the Principal, subsequently he has been elevated to Director in the year 2018.
Dr. Altaf Hussain, has delivered more than 150 invited lectures to different educational Institutes like NIT Warangal, JNTUH Hyderabad, JNTUA Anantapur, Kakatiya University, and several private as well as Government Organizations including Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Aurobindo Pharma Ltd., Chettinad Cements, Indian Air Force Academy Dundigal and several other organizations.
Dr. Altaf Hussain has rendered several consultancy assignments in India and abroad, significant projects include Dr. Reddy’s labs of Rs. 2.3 crores, Aurobindo Pharma Ltd.,of 20 Lakhs, Fahad Al Arzi group of Industries Soudi Arabia of 20 Lakhs, Tata Iron & Steel Company Ltd., Jamshedpur, popularly known as TISCO, of 2.5 crores.
Dr. Altaf Hussain has 2 patents awarded / published and 5 patents in pipe line. He has guided more than 20 M.Tech projects and 2 Ph.Ds, as well as currently guiding 3 Ph.D students, and published more than 20 publications in National and International Journals. He has been the member of Board of Studies of JNTUA, BVRIT, CBIT etc,
Venkata Narasimhulu
Dr. C.V. Narasimhulu, obtained his B. Tech in ECE from SVU-Tirupathi, M. Tech in Instrumentation and Control Systems from NIT-Calicut and Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from JNTUK, Kakinada.
He has 25 years of experience in teaching, research, administration and institutional development.
Presently, four Ph.D. scholars who have registered under JNTU Kakinada are working under his supervision in the field of Signal and Image processing. Dr. Narasimhulu has published four patents to his credit. He has published more than 45 papers in refereed international journals and presented several papers in both national and international conferences.
He has been reviewer and session chair for several international and national conferences. Dr. Narasimhulu was granted Rs 4.98 lakhs by AICTE, New Delhi under the scheme of Faculty Development Program for 2018-19.
He has authored a textbook titled "Digital Image and Video Watermarking" and the same was published in June 2020 by LAP international publisher
Dr. Narasimhulu has organized several workshops/conferences, exhibitions, and FDPs. He has also acted as a resource person for several technical events organized by some of the reputed engineering colleges of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
He is a member of BoS, ECE for TKRCET, a UGC autonomous institution. He has acted as a subject-expert on staff selection committees of various reputed JNTUH affiliated engineering colleges in and around.
Dr. Narasimhulu is a life member of many professional societies namely IETE, ISTE, MIE, and IEEE. In addition to being a passionate and caring teacher, he has proven himself as an able administrator by demonstrating exceptional outcomes in every activity taken-up with a clear vision. With a perfect blend of energy, enthusiasm, and knowledge, he mentors the students and leads the faculty members with vigour to achieve the institutional goals. He always asserts "doing is learning" and encourages students to get involved in innovative projects for an effective overall learning experience.
Hafeez Basha
Dr. R. Hafeez Basha is Advisor and Member – Industry Expert Evaluation Committee of National Education Alliance for Technology (NEAT),
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE); Member–National Rural Entrepreneurship Mission, Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), Coordinator, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), President, Institute Innovation Council (IIC), Panel Member Smart India Hackathon 2020 & Toycathon 2021 which are all under Ministry of Education, Government of India; He is also Advisor / Expert at Engineering Reforms Section, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC); Mentor at Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC), Development Commissionerate, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME); and Mentor-of-Change, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), National Institution for Transforming India (NITI-Aayog) the erstwhile Planning Commission of India.
Prior to joining Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, he was the CEO – Technology Business Incubator at Chandigarh University, Director – Incubation Center, Industry Interface, Foreign Relations and IQAC at Ashoka Group of Institutions, Hyderabad. He was earlier Dean R&D and CEO - Incubation Center at Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology; Officer-on-Special Duty (OSD) to Protem Chancellor, K L University, Guntur; Research Analyst (Patents), Thomson Reuters Corporation and GIS Engineer at Satyam Computers (Tech Mahindra). He also did his Industrial Internship at the Global Renewable Energy Research Center, SELCO International Ltd., and worked part-time at Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd. respectively while pursuing his higher education.
He has been Social Entrepreneurship Consultant at Canada based SOPAR-Bala Vikasa International Center where he partnered it with the Prime Minister’s India-Israel Innovation bridge program and Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES-2017) organized by NITI-Aayog which hosted Ms. Ivanka Trump. He also delivered series of Workshops on Social Entrepreneurship for Women at Telangana Government Colleges of Tier-2 & Tier-3 cities with funding from the office of US Consulate General, Hyderabad through KIIT University. He continues to be Panel Member for EUREKA of IIT-Bombay and LAUNCHPAD of BITS-Pilani for their Start-ups as well as Think-Tank Advisor to companies such as NatureSani (Swatch Bharat initiative), Idealabs FutureTech Ventures, Kaanthi, Robogyaan etc.
He was Waste-to-Energy Consultant at Peepal Renewables Pvt. Ltd. where he deployed biogas plants around 10,000+ in Adilabad, Telangana and 15,000+ in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh with CSR funding from France based TOTAL Gas and Energy Ltd. He is also Career Counsellor for higher education abroad and promotes Government Scholarships and free education programs of French and Japanese Universities through their Embassies. He visited 13+ countries with full funding, delivered Guest Lectures at 67+ Institutions in India and abroad including BITS Pilani, NIT-Karnataka, NIT-Rourkela, etc. He is Editor and Reviewer at various SCI / SCOPUS Indexed Journals published by Elsevier and Springer as well as Technical Chair for IEEE Conferences. He served as IEEE Branch Chairman and IEEE Branch Counsellor. He is also two times recipient of Young Scientist Award in 2009 and 2014 respectively.
He Co-founded Cafet-Innova Technical Society in 2007 to motivate students towards R&D and support them with its resources which benefitted 1,600+ Research Scholars publish papers in Journals, obtain their Ph. Ds and later pursue their scientific careers. He started BRCORP in 2011 catering to requirements of educational institutions in establishing Centers-of-Excellence through Industry-Academia collaborations. In 2018 he started STATION-H as Incubation, Acceleration and Co-working services for Start-ups that helps educational institutions manage their E-Cells and set-up Innovation and Incubation Centers by pursuing the Government Schemes and CSR Funds. He was also awarded Young Entrepreneur Award by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED-India) in 2015.
He did his Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) in 2007, Master of Technology (M. Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur in 2010 with sponsorship from Thomson Reuters, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in Advanced Technology / Renewable Energy from Kumamoto University, Japan with Monbukagakusho Scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Govt. of Japan. He was also presented Dean’s Award for Research Excellence during convocation in 2016.