
Software Solutions – Higher Ed

EvalTools® is designed NOT only for day-to-day classroom activity, but also for gauging learning and teaching delivery in meeting standards.  Its outcomes assessment module, in particular, integrates proven best assessment practices including a Rubric-driven Assessment Model and an FCAR Assessment Model.

Assessment & Evaluation


There are many features in EvalTools® that you could choose to use as you see fit for your program’s learning and teaching or assessment and evaluation.  The following gives a good indication of what is supported by EvalTools®, in particular, for assessment and evaluation of programs.

Discover EvaTools®

EvalTools® Evaluator Portal

Why waste time in organizing all the hard objective evidence in a room, and then trash them after the accreditation visit.  Go 100% Green with digital evidence that was organized according to outcomes.  Save time and make Evaluator’s life easier.  Happy Evaluator leads to happy results!

EvalTools® OAS

An Outcomes Assessment System that is unique in its class and covers best practices in the assessment community. It has proven 12 years record of aiding universities for ABET  It has also enabled recently a university to achieve excellent results in Middle-States accreditation.

EvalTools® MeetingMinute

An effective means to track all meeting activities and records.  You could create tasks list and assigned to any community groups.  More importantly you could track the status of any understanding tasks. 

EvalTools® CIMS

Continuous Improvement Management System that closes the loop for tracking assessment improvement. This is one of the toughest piece of tasks to perform in the assessment process. EvalTools® makes it easy for you.

EvalTools® Community

A self-managed community portal for any assigned group of users to interact and keep documents / material relevant to the group’s activities. The common usage is to track any committee’s activities within a college or for the whole campus.

EvalTools® Survey

Online survey system that handles end-of-term survey, alumni survey, senior-exit survey, employer survey and customizable surveys.

EvalTools® LMS

Covers essential elements for managing day-to-day classroom activities for lesson, assignments, gradebook, etc.


Performance Indicators Evaluation

There are many features and modules provided by EvalTools®.  Just on the EvalTools® OAS, the following are brief essentials:

  • EvalTools® 6 is the most advanced toolset for outcomes assessment. It integrates proven best assessment practices, including a Rubric-driven Assessment Model and an FCAR Assessment
  • EvalTools® has over 14 years of proven results in preparing programs for ABET accreditation.
  • We have accomplished major achievements with ABET, Middle States accreditation at several programs with implementation of latest methodologies and systems for outcomes assessment.
  • Our clients have submitted world class papers on several topics related to automation, continuous improvement and outcomes assessment at local and international conferences.
  • Why pay for separate packages for Learning Management System (LMS), Outcomes Assessment Systems (OAS), and Online Survey Systems (OSS)? EvalTools® does it all for you, and the EvalTools® reporting tool streamlines the effort and time needed to produce self-study reports.
  • EvalTools® 6 categorizes the quality improvement process into three levels: program educational objective assessment, student outcomes assessment, and course outcomes assessment.
  • EvalTools® 6 provides rich and relevant features to support each of these three levels of assessment activities.

Specifically, EvalTools® OAS is designed to address the following important issues:

Identify Strengths

Identify strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum for quality improvement

Level of Success

Gauge the level of success in meeting program outcomes/educational objectives

Performance Based

Enhance teaching effectiveness via a performance-based evaluation process

Outcomes Assessment

Effectively track/document “closing the loop” on outcomes assessment

Modules provided by EvalTools®

Module Details

New Features

Instructional Improvement System

EvalTools® IIS

EvalTools® LMS is more like an Instructional Improvement System (IIS)
rather than a traditional Learning Management System (LMS).

Besides the following standard features of a LMS:

Class mail

Grade book




Online Quiz

Course Info/Course Syllabus

Customizable Lesson

A customizable lesson plan for each school to achieve a common platform for contents delivery

Easy interface

Easy interface to display key daily activities for students

Comments Interface

Easy-to-use comments interface for communication between students in class and teacher

School Announcement

Class announcement or school announcement are on homepage for both teachers and students

Assignment Tracking

Assignments submission and tracking are made simple

Video Manager

You could have your own private video hosting site or import videos that you posted on YouTube. Private video site allows your school to keep intellectual properties all in one place

Live Meeting

In view of COVID-19 and the need for live meeting for future instructions, EvalTools® is designed to fulfill the daily online live remote instructions.

Integrated Modules

EvalTools® Live

EvalTools® Live is a fully intergated module into EvalTools®. That means you do Not need to separately invite students to your meeting.  Once you set up a meeting, students join your meeting by simply a click when they are in your classroom.

  • Chat – send public and private messages
  • Webcams – host virtual meetings
  • Audio – communicate using high quality audio
  • Emojis – express yourself
  • Breakout rooms – group users into breakout rooms for team collaboration
  • Polling – poll your users anytime
  • Screen sharing – share your screen
  • Multi-user whiteboard – draw together

Principal Office:
EvalTools® provides dashboard features for principal to view the overall teachers’ activities.

EvalTools® 6 Survey

EvalTools® Survey is a comprehensive and easy-to-use survey creation and management toolset. It can generate surveys for use in a classroom environment or non-classroom environment. For a classroom environment survey such as the Course-Exit Survey, the users are the students in the class. The database for a classroom environment survey is usually automatically populated with the assistance of your system administrator. For a non-classroom environment such as the senior-exit survey, for example, are not necessary from any class roster. Hence, you will free to define or create your own users or survey participants. In either case, the survey creation process is entirely and easily customizable. EvalTools® Survey comes with the following types of questionnaires:

  • Regular Likert section
  • Weighted importance section
  • Qualitative section
  • Multiple selections section
  • Multiple choices section
  • Ranking section

EvalTools® Survey includes pre-defined templates for both categories of surveys. Regardless of how you intend to deploy your surveys for a specific study or a campus-wide survey to replace the traditional paper survey, EvalTools® is the solution for you


LMS Highlighted Features

  • Standard Course Info template
  • Chair Office have instant access to all course syllabi
  • A role-based design, that is, a Chair sees only his/her departmental info whereas a faculty sees only his courses
  • Course information/syllabus can be easily ported from any past terms by faculty
  • Reporting feature allow selection of course syllabus components to be printed collectively. This will make a program chair’s job so much easier in preparing self-study report.
  • Faculty can strategically select assignments that correlate to assessing a Course Outcome (CO), a Performance Indicator (PI) or a Student Outcome (SO).
  • Color-coded performance vector to assist a faculty in identifying any concern areas real-time for improvement (formative assessment).