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IN4OBE - International Network for Outcome Based Education > Consultancy Expertise
International Network for Outcome Based Education (IN4OBE)

OBE Experts


The International Network for Outcome Based Education (IN4OBE) is a team of OBE experts with vast experience on four continents in teaching and implementing authentic Outcome Based practices in schools and universities.

The team’s proven track record of assistance to all levels of education reflects its unwavering commitment to OBE’s philosophy of “successful learning for all students.” This is achieved through its creative, systemic, cutting-edge approaches to implementing and applying OBE’s Four Power Principles to all of the major components of a learning system.

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Discover What’s Ahead


Future-focused curriculum design, development and delivery

Certified Counselling

Academic advising and career counseling;


Professional development and training


Effective teaching strategies for high-performance learning


Tightly aligned assessment and evaluation


Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) strategies for quality assurance and accreditation

Our Expertise

Here Are World-Class Resources and Assistance for
Implementing Authentic Outcome-Based Education

Offered by the Experienced, Cutting-Edge Experts from IN4OBE
The International Network for Outcome-Based Education

IN4OBE was formed to provide the most advanced information and assistance on implementing authentic Outcome-Based Education to the world community.  This cutting-edge work represents our accumulated wisdom and expertise gained from five decades of visionary OBE leadership, design, training, and evaluation in learning systems of all kinds and levels on five continents.  During this period our vision for how OBE’s can elevate humanity’s future has taken form, resulting in a transformational change in educational thinking and practice.  We have learned that Implementing Authentic OBE requires sustained attention to, and careful application of, eight implementation essentials:

Most OBE policies and practices across the world reflect serious misunderstandings of the authentic meaning and application of the concept and its implications. Our foundational work explicitly spells out what it means to Base Education on Outcomes, especially when those Outcomes relate to the full range of learner potentials and qualities that contribute significantly to life fulfillment.  This expansive approach to learning is embodied in many familiar learning models outside formal education and has sparked a great evolution and revolutions in OBE designs and models within the system as well.

OBE is much more than a learning model or instructional technique that can simply be delegated to instructors. Doing OBE Right requires deep change in almost every aspect of a system’s organizing principles and operations. Making systemic change happen requires committed, informed, insightful leadership, not just administrative directives or management demands. This hands-on component of our work spells out the many organizational elements that leaders must address, build support for, and change, and it develops the relevant orientations and strategies they will need to accomplish these ends.
OBE represents a fundamental departure from long-established, familiar ways of educating children and young adults. That departure involves values, beliefs, assumptions, goals, priorities, professional identities, organizational structures and practices that constitute both the ‘craft’ of educating and the ‘culture’ in which the process of educating plays out. The significance and details of this departure will be welcomed by some and resisted by others, but in all cases it requires active engagement of all constituents in the philosophical, substantive, and technical aspects of what an authentic approach to OBE entails. This component spells out both the substance and strategies of preparing all parties with the understandings and tools essential to a sound and successful implementation process.
Outcomes represent the ultimate purpose for which an extended learning process exists, They are both culminating demonstrations of that purpose, and they need to endure far beyond the learning experiences themselves – into the future and into life. To be both credible and relevant, Outcomes must also have an explicit and sound rationale from which they are explicitly derived and than carefully defined in clear, descriptive words. – not numbers. This critical component of an OBE model requires strong language and analytical skills, which then also apply to how and when the Outcomes are to be addressed and integrated in designing learning experiences that, In turn, encourage and support their accomplishment and ongoing application.
Outcomes – culminating demonstrations of learning – take many forms, ranging from very simple skills to increasingly complex configurations of knowledge and abilities. The latter are called role performances, or performance roles, that are the essential components of virtually all life roles. These future-focused life-performance abilities are represented in a variety of versatile and compelling formats and have defined the ever-evolving cutting-edge of OBE designs and learning experiences for the past three decades. Once well understood and defined, they can be effectively applied from the earliest primary grades to advanced professional preparation programs, thereby adding vision, cohesion, and consistency to the entire learning system.
The knowledge and skills students develop during their formal education is a small fraction of what they will have to learn throughout their lifetimes. Therefore, the most critical abilities they can develop and sustain while in the system are the drive, skills, and resourcefulness to be a self-directed learner. While appealing on its face, most curricula and degree programs are so filled with required learning and assignments impede rather than foster this essential capacity. In effect, they require student compliance more than they encourage self-direction, self-exploration, and genuine empowerment. This component highlights Outcomes, instruction, and learning processes that directly foster and embody these critical abilities and attributes.
As OBE’s ultimate mission has deepened and transformed over the decades, so have the Outcome frameworks educators have used to elevate the quality and qualities of their graduates. Key among them is an emphasis on professionalism that embodies and reflects qualities of genuine professionals – qualities of service and integrity that engender trust and reinforce expertise. This component explains how these qualities can be fostered and modeled within the institution and the cultural norms it creates, consistently advocates and upholds. Using a framework called the Total Professional to develop Outcomes that directly emphasize these significant qualities, institutions can design and align their key areas of study and learning experiences with those Outcomes and consistently incorporate them into the essential content and competences of any program.
OBE’s ‘First Principle’ is Clarity of Focus on Outcomes of Significance, and it’s key sub-principle is Alignment – that every component of the instructional system directly match, embody, and align with those Outcomes. It is here that most efforts at Implementing Authentic OBE fall short. Very simply: conventional systems of testing, grading, and assessing quality learning and performance are profoundly out of alignment with the Outcomes they attempt to ‘measure’ and record. This critical component addresses those many unrecognized weaknesses and offers sound methods for designing and implementing assessments that authentically assess and validate the quality and depth of student learning and performance.


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Future Focused

Future-focused curriculum design, development and delivery.

workshop (1)

Certified Counselling

Academic advising and career counseling.

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Professional development and training

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Effective teaching strategies for high-performance learning

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Tightly aligned assessment and evaluation.



Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) strategies for quality assurance and accreditation