7-Pillar Management System

AdamTools® SIS


MAKTEAM designs its product suites to support and facilitate the operation/implementation of an authentic OBE education.  To achieve this, there are two groups of toolsets, one focuses on daily learning activities, and the other on school operation and management, independent and yet integrated together to provide meaning feedback in a timely manner to gauge the effectiveness of teaching delivery as well as the top-level view of school management operational effectiveness.  


Discover AdamTools® SMS
School Management System


Multiple Access

More importantly, AdamTools® is also a school operational effectiveness measurement tool.  Its newly developed School Management System module was based on a well-proven 7-Pillar principles for effective school management and academic achievement measurement. 

The 7 Pillars measurement includes:

(1) data driven decisions,
(2) educational/instructional leadership,
(3) targeted professional development,
(4) effective elements of instruction,
(5) Onsite coaching, mentoring and support,
(6) community resources/involvement, and
(7) positive school culture. 

For more information of AdamTools, please visit www.makteam.com.   For more information of K12 schools managed by EEG using 7-Pillar management system, please refer to:  http://www.edempowerment.com/index.html.

Google Classroom Integration

EvalTools® LMS


EvalTools® is designed NOT only for day-to-day classroom activity, but also for gauging learning and teaching delivery in meeting standards.  Its design is parallel to Google Classroom’s features just so that the transition to EvalTools® is easy for those teachers who are familiar with Google Classroom. Better yet, eliminate the confusing interfaces that are common complaints for Google Classroom from students.

Customizable Lesson

A customizable lesson plan for each school to achieve a common platform for contents delivery

Easy interface

Easy interface to display key daily activities for students

Comments Interface

Easy-to-use comments interface for communication between students in class and teacher

School Announcement

Class announcement or school announcement are on homepage for both teachers and students

Assignment Tracking

Assignments submission and tracking are made simple

Video Manager

You could have your own private video hosting site or import videos that you posted on YouTube. Private video site allows your school to keep intellectual properties all in one place

Live Meeting

In view of COVID-19 and the need for live meeting for future instructions, EvalTools® is designed to fulfill the daily online live remote instructions.

Why Us?​


We provide a server to link all data & centralized in one database with one direction


We customize current module to suit your school


All members & parents are connected with apps & web portal


EvalTools® Live

EvalTools® Live is a fully intergated module into EvalTools®. That means you do Not need to separately invite students to your meeting.  Once you set up a meeting, students join your meeting by simply a click when they are in your classroom.

  • Chat – send public and private messages
  • Webcams – host vitual meetings
  • Audo – communicate using high quality audio
  • Emojis – express yourself
  • Breakout rooms – group users into breakout rooms for team collaboration
  • Polling – poll your users anytime
  • Screen sharing – share your screen
  • Multi-user whiteboard – draw together

Principal Office:
EvalTools® provides dashboard features for principal to view the overall teachers’ activities.

Our Global Customers


Southeast Asia

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