Prof. Md. Nazrul Islam is Prestigious Sessions Speaker at IN4OBE Global Summit 2022
Over thirty-seven years of professional experience in teaching, research, training, student assessment, selfassessment at the program level and try to implement the sound academic environment as per vision, mission and goal of the higher education institutes (HEIs.) for producing qualified and competent graduates by internal quality assurance practices who will be able to compete the global demand and play the vital role in the national economy. At present, I am working as a Senior-most and Grade-1 Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Worked as an external peer reviewer for 17 programs as a Quality Assurance (QA) Expert with foreign QA expert at program level in different public and private universities for improving the quality of higher education in Bangladesh. Worked with the faculties and administrators of the University for conducting the all procedures of academic, research (review, monitoring & evaluation) and administrative activities. Conducted rnany training and workshop/ seminar/ conference on teaching-learning, assessment, professional development, quality assurance system in higher education, OBE curriculum design, mapping, development and research in home and abroad for achieving the knowledge, skill and attitude. Worked as a Sub-project Manager of the project entitled “Design & Implementation of a Self-Assessment (SA) Exercise for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) & MS Programs, (CP 2498) for the duration of two years from January, 2012 to December, 2013 funded by HEQEP under UGC, Bangladesh. Received training on Self-Assessment, Teaching, Learning, Curriculum Design, Higher Education Quality Assurance etc. from home and abroad. Attended about 67 training workshops/seminars / conferences as a resource person/participant / selected QA professionals on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Curriculum Development, Quality Assurance & Accreditation in Higher Education’‘, International Participatory Research on the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty, on BNQF, Accreditation Rules and Standards, Self-Assessment, Accreditation Council: Functions and Roles at SAU, Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Quality Culture & Quality Assurance organized by UGC/BAC/IQAC/different HEIs of Bangladesh. Attended as a participant in the International Webinar on Advancing Bangladesh’s Future by Integrating Life Performance and Skills-Based Models of Learning at United International University on virtual platform organized by IN4OBE Bangladesh Chapter for the duration of 04 August, 2021. Key Note Speaker: Prof. Dr. William Spady, CEO, IN4OBE, LLC. USA and the Father of OBE. Attended as a participant in the Motivational Workshop on Quality Assurance & Accreditation in Higher Education” organized by Bangladesh Accreditation Council for the duration of 27 October, 2021. Key Note Speaker: Professor Tim Parkinson, Emeritus Professor, Massey University, New Zealand. Participate in a “workshop on Animal disease control principles in veterinary education and continuing professional development in Bangladesh” organized by FAO and ECTAD at Dhaka on 06th December, 2015. Training on Professional Development Program on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Thailand from 18-29 November, 2015. Training on Quality Assurance and Accreditation organized by the HELP University, Malaysia from 3-14 September, 2012. Worked as a Director of IQAC and the project entitled: Establishment of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at the Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet from 11th July, 2015 to 30th June, 2018 funded by HEQEP under UGC, Bangladesh.