IN4OBE Presents Sixth Session (May 07, 2022) Titled ‘OBE and Students Engagement’ of 11 Amazing Webinars Featuring Top OBE Experts
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Webinar 6: OBE and Student Engagement
Speaker: Dr. Darin Detwiler
Hear amazing details and never before aspects of educational frameworks, models and practices from top global OBE experts and practitioners
Register FREE Today for An Exciting and Informational Sequel of Never Before Webinar Series
OBE Professional Development Hours Certification Awarded for Attendance
Educators, administrators, policy makers and other stakeholders of the global education process are requested to REGISTER FREE for the entire sequel of webinars using the link provided at the bottom of this page.
We have the pleasure to inform you that the International Network for Outcome Based Education (IN4OBE), Bangladesh Chapter at United International University (UIU) is organizing the sixth session of an international webinar series virtually on May 7, 2022 8 AM EST.
Webinar 1: A Triad of OBE Pathways That Advance Human Evolution
Abstract: OBE (Outcome Based Education) has been implemented universally and evolved significantly since the dawn of civilization – but only sporadically and inadequately in ‘modern’ education systems. They have increasingly focused intellectual learning but ignored learners’ deeper essence — assuming that the technological and material advancements that result from more education represent both human progress and evolution. Dr. Spady challenges this narrow view of learning and living by integrating transformative advances in OBE thinking and practice with equally revolutionary breakthroughs in theoretical physics that now validate Einstein’s Unified Field Theory and expand its implications. This powerful new work reveals: 1) the essence and unfolding of our conscious, creative universe; 2) how limited our prevalent views of human potential, empowerment, development, and evolution are; and 3) how three integrated OBE pathways address and redress these limitations.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. William Spady, Father of OBE & Founder of IN4OBE, USA
Date: December 05, 2021 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 2: Quality and Accreditation or OBE, Which One?
Abstract: Many specializations in global higher education have recently adopted a rigorous policy towards implementing an Outcomes Based Education (OBE) model for student learning. This global shift in the last two decades has resulted in dramatic changes to the educational processes within programs in institutions. The apparent target is to achieve comprehensive benefits of OBE learning models. This presentation will highlight the difference between the paradigm, principles and philosophy of authentic OBE and prevalent accreditation approaches in higher education. The speaker will highlight the changes in accreditation approaches to align with OBE models and challenges faced by institutions in fulfilment of both accreditation requirements and essential principles of ‘Real’ OBE. Major stakeholders such as faculty, accreditation agencies, education leaders and policy makers shall understand the critical necessity of making on time, key decisions that support practical solutions for implementing ‘Real’ OBE to promote successful and holistic learning for all students.
Speaker: Dr. Wajid Hussain, Chief Operations Officer, IN4OBE, USA
Date: January 08, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 3: Automation of Assessment and Evaluation
Abstract: Accreditation preparation is a paperwork nightmare if we cannot automate key preparation processes, particularly assessment and evaluation. This webinar focuses on how automation can be achieved starting from the Curriculum-Outcomes-Mapping matrix that indicates the adequateness and sufficiency of a program design. We look into two key assessment models: GR Assessment and FCAR assessment Models. We will elaborate on the FCAR assessment model that leads to data collection and compilation automation and align the FCAR assessment model to OBE. Next, at the program level, we will demonstrate how we best deal with the roll-up data in closing the loop for improvements. We ultimately address Criterion 1: student performance and progress must be evaluated and monitored to foster student outcomes. Once we understand the entire process, we will focus on constructing a well-form syllabus or course information, a vital element of the FCAR assessment model to get your assessment started.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fong. K Mak, CEO, IN4OBE, USA
Date: February 05, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 4: Change of Mindset in Teaching-Learning and Assessment – Traditional Way VS. OBE Way
Abstract: Bangladesh is keen to implement OBE in the Academic domain. Faculty members and students are eager to implement such practices in the teaching and learning process. However, a deep dive into OBE understanding reveals that the conduct of teaching in the OBE way is different from our traditional way of teaching. In this talk, factors that make OBE teaching stand out from the traditional way will be discussed. The design of assessment methods will be discussed. The importance of maintaining alignment of assessment with outcome will be highlighted. This talk will try to focus on shifting the traditional mindset of teaching practices toward OBE way.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hasan Sarwar, Dept. CSE, UIU
Date: March 05, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 5: Outcome Based Education from an Assessment and Measurement Perspective
Abstract: A major piece of validity evidence for the interpretation and use of student assessment results is the claim that test items match measurable student-learning outcome statements. Test results can then be used to calculate outcome attainment measures for making valid instructional and course design decisions. The speaker will emphasize that it is at the student and class level that assessment is most meaningful. As you get further removed from what you are actually trying to measure (i.e., student learning at the course level), usefulness of the data for enhancing student learning diminishes. It will be shown that it is logical, efficient, and beneficial for the institution to obtain census outcome attainment at the course level and map horizontally across courses and vertically to the institutional level.
Speaker: Dr. Ronald Carriveau
Date: April 02, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 6: OBE and Student Engagement
Abstract: Between changes in instructional technology, the increase of global learning, and the impact of the pandemic, the learning environment has expanded and gained new definitions over the past few years. Students are learning in online or hybrid courses and are no longer limited to specific times or days of the week for engaging in deeper learning activities. The speaker will emphasize that the instructor must leverage an Outcomes Based Education (OBE) model to scaffold and align student engagement in a ‘flipped classroom’ format to provide for students’ diverse learning needs.
Speaker: Dr. Darin Detwiler
Date: May 07, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 7: Metacognitive Thinking for Successful Problem Solving Outcomes
Abstract: Outcome Based Education has meaningfully set direction on how humanity should view life, and how education should lead the learning individuals and society into the very essence of its existence and purpose. The complexity of living and learning in the 21 st century demand for empowered individuals who can responsibly contribute to the diversity of the challenges at hand. The ability of a person to identify problems and navigate around in order to bring potential solution outcomes and thrive reflects ones holistic strength that begin within. A Metacognitive Thinking proposes a big reflective understanding process that can empower every learner to develop such strength and ability in problem solving.
Speaker: Dr. Lovella Divinagracia
Date: May 28, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 8: Technology as an Integrator in Designing STEM for Outcomes-Based Education
Abstract: In this webinar, Professor Lindsey Conner will discuss the challenges of integrating STEM using outcomes-based approaches. Technologies can act as a bridge to connect disciplinary knowledge and skills and support more extensive co-curation and co-creation of new knowledge. Lindsey will indicate key ideas for curriculum design as highlights of what’s currently being done and from relevant literature, e.g. a new book Lindsey authored on Integrating STEM in higher education: addressing global issues –Routledge. Examples of how technologies can be applied to problem-solving, inquiry and challenge activities indicate how these technologies augment the development of specialist knowledge, technical/generic skills and capabilities simultaneously. Students need learning experiences that enable them to apply appropriate information, design visual representations of data, refine and evaluate specific technical skills, collaborate and communicate using technologies to make it quicker to sort, navigate, co-curate and co-create new knowledge.
Speaker: Prof. Lindsey Conner
Date: June 04, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 9: Facing Your Biggest Implementation Challenges: Aligning Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment with Real Performance Outcomes in the Era of Blended Learning
Abstract: One of the common feedbacks I receive from my training sessions and from those who have read my 2019 book, “Curriculum and instruction design for humanizing education in the 21st Century” with a subtitle “Access to success for all”, is that Outcome based education as a paradigm makes it so easy to design curriculum and instruction for all kinds of human learning contexts across disciplines. I agree. But they also identify some challenges in implementing outcomes-based education consistently to transform the Physical or Online Classroom, Lecture Hall, or Virtual Learning Space. In this session, you will be empowered with the knowledge needed to effectively implement your learning design and achieve enduring outcomes in the era of blended learning by Doing OBE’s Four Power Principles ‘Right’.
Speaker: Prof. Elias Sampa
Date: June 25, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 10: Role of Assessment in Enhancing Quality of Education
Abstract: This webinar will focus on various aspects of assessment at program level. Since assessment is inseparably related to evaluation, continuous improvement, and accreditation, emphasis will be placed on assessment. Focusing on students learning through student learning outcomes allows programs to change and learn. One of the main objectives of assessment is to obtain accreditation. Since accreditation is based on some minimum requirements for Standards/Criteria being met by the program, assessment can provide all this data. From institution’s point of view, accreditation provides public confidence in the program, institution, or organization. The webinar will explore the following topics:
- Program assessment using rubrics based on performance indicators.
- Developing rubrics for assessing students learning outcomes (SLOs) and performing
evaluation. - Developing continuous improvement plan.
- Using assessment, evaluation, and continuous improvement for program accreditation.
- The role of accreditation in enhancing quality of education.
- Challenges and opportunities for accreditation.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mahesh Aggarwal
Date: July 02, 2022 ( 8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
Webinar 11: Outcome Based Innovation and Engagement in Stem Courses – A Model for Success in Organic Chemistry
Abstract: The efflux of students from STEM majors has been attributed in part to the teaching style that has been used in most lower-level science courses, which is a traditional power point lecture format. This style of teaching has persisted even in the presence of convincing discipline-based education research data that other strategies can increase student attainment of learning outcomes. Engaged, learner-focused activities transparently linked to student learning outcomes have been especially effective for improving student learning in large enrollment classes; however, implementation can be difficult because of the significant time needed to conduct such activities while still covering all the required material and because of the difficulty in demonstrating student attainment of learning outcomes. Outcome based course redesign is providing valid quantitative and qualitative measures of student understanding, content mastery and synthesis, the model and best practices for which can be applied to a wide variety of courses to foster institutional change.
Speaker: Dr. Robert Petros
Date: July 30, 2022 (8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)