elevate and transform the paradigm
IN4OBE achieves its mission
IN4OBE achieves its mission through a broad range of awareness-building, training, and direct assistance activities and resources that include:
- Distribution of OBE information through media of all kinds.
- Conducting national and regional conferences and hands-on workshops on the paradigm, principles and fundamentals of authentic OBE.
- Presenting papers and Symposia on OBE at professional conferences.
- Working directly with institutions and faculty on outcomes development and aligning curriculum, instruction, assessments, and credit systems with them.
- Working with national professional associations on re-framing their outcomes, curriculum and instructional systems.
- Advising national governing and policy bodies on constructive ways to revitalize and improve their institutional support systems.
- Assisting institutions to meet and exceed accreditation requirements.
- Creating and supporting networks of like-minded OBE visionaries.
- Sharing OBE information, resources, and ongoing developments through this website