IN4OBE Announces Publication of it’s Open Access Proceedings on Transforming Education and Empowering Learners
The IN4OBE Global Virtual Summit 2022 brings together a wide spectrum of academic contributions from educators of various
backgrounds, nationalities and levels of education who share ideas, models, practices and their own successful initiatives or
experiences in transformational education. Global issues as well as best practices in three broad but key thematic areas
related to Learning Frameworks & Models, Organizational Capacity and Educational Technology offer first hand experiences or
observations and practical insights into implementing transformational education for empowering learners. Scope of literary
contributions in any of the three thematic areas can be in the form of research findings, public service and extension projects,
and institutional development and innovation programs.
Research Areas:
The Open Access Proceedings on Transforming Education and Empowering Learners publishes cutting edge scholastic work in three tracks.
- Track 1: Humanities and Social Sciences
- Track 2: Computing, Engineering & Technology
- Track 3: Physical & Medical Sciences
1 – Models of Learning – Moving from Principles to Practices
- Topic 1: Effectively Designing and Implementing Qualification Frameworks
- Topic 2: Defining Learning Outcomes and Integrating them into Curriculum
- Topic 3: Implementing Effective Instructional Strategies
- Topic 4: Assessing Outcomes, Skills and Competencies
- Topic 5: Practical Models for Both Quality and Accreditation
2 – Organizational Change – Mitigating Limitations for Capacity Building
- Topic 1: Leading Transformational Change in Education
- Topic 2: Defining and Achieving Institutional Effectiveness for Transformational Education
- Topic 3: Managing Educational Systems for Learner Empowerment
- Topic 4: Expanding Enrollment and Retention with Empowered Learners
- Topic 5: Faculty Training and Development for Transformational Education
3 – Transformational Education Using Technology – Challenges and Benefits
- Topic 1: Smart Schools and Learning Environments
- Topic 2: Designing for Effective Learning Using Digital Technology
- Topic 3: AI and Machine Learning
- Topic 4: Automating Assessment and Evaluation
- Topic 5: Digital Divide
- Integrated with PlumX Metrics
- Indexed by Google Scholar and crawlable by all search engines
- All Eligible submissions submitted to cross ref
- Author with peer reviewed history of publications will have preprints covered in Scopus
- Proceedings available to 2 million+ registered users and to public
- SSRN eLibrary hosts over 380,000 authors and over 800,000 abstracts
- Select articles will be included in upto 12 of SSRN's 1000+ subject matter journals
- Proceedings for scholary presentations in international & regional educational events
- Collaborate with colleagues & international experts
- Bridge gap between industry & academia with cutting edge research
- Presentations announced in 30+ countries
- Modular Journal Management Software & Publication Solution
- Seamless double blind peer Review System
- Serving more than 1000+ Journals
- Excellent feedback from authors &